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A Brief Discussion of the Concept of a Non-Profit Organization in Reservist Counseling Organization


「公民社會」已成為現代民主國家社會發展的趨向,隨著民眾參與公共事務意願的增加,也促進各類型「非營利組織」的興起。藉由這些非營利的組織平台,民眾得以透過志願服務者的角色,參與各項社會服務的工作。「非營利組織」具有不以營利為目的、受國家委託執行公共業務、彌補政府組織或私人企業功能不足及倡導志願服務理念等特性,引進民間參與志願服務的社會力量,除了增進社會公共服務效能外,對於社會發展更具有正面及積極性的作用。 志願服務者(志工)參與非營利組織的運作,不僅可提供多元化的服務,更可加強政府機關在「公共領域」及「服務環境」等方面的公共服務功能,並促進志願服務者參與公共事務,實踐公民的社會責任,彰顯服務社會的精神。 「後備軍人輔導組織」亦屬執行國家委託之公共業務,及提供公共服務之非營利組織,其成員採志願服務的方式,推行全民國防及社會服務相關工作,成立迄今對國家社會的發展,有不可磨滅的貢獻;隨著民主政治社會的發展、志願服務理念的推行、國防組織結構的精簡及全民防衛體系的建立等情形下,為使組織功能與時俱進,則需精進提昇組織效能,以達成組織使命與目標。


”Civil society” has become the social expansion direction of modern democratic countries. As more and more people show their interests in participating in the public affairs, various kinds of non-profit organizations are getting promoted. People are able to attend all kinds of social services via these non-profit organizations as a volunteer. Non-profit organizations possess the characteristics of a non-profit, public service commissioned by the country to make up for government organizations or private enterprises’ insufficiency and promote volunteer service. Taking advantage of private participation in voluntary social forces will not only enhance public service performance, but also bring a more positive and active effect on social development. The participation of volunteers in the operation of non-profit organizations not only provides a wide range of services, but also strengthens the government institutions' functions of public service in the public domain and the service environment. Moreover, it can promote participation in public affairs practice, enhance the social responsibility of citizens, and highlight the spirit of service to the community. ”Reservist Counseling Organization” is commissioned the implementation of national public service and provides public services as a non-profit organization by its voluntary members. Its establishment has made an indelible contribution to the implementation of national defense and social service related work. With the development of democratic political society, the implementation of the concept of voluntary service, the rightsizing of the national defense system, and the establishment of civil defense, in order to keep pace with the times, it is necessary to improve the organizational efficiency to achieve its mission and goals.


