  • 期刊


Investigation of Satisfaction with Clinical Education among Physical Therapy Students


Clinical education is an essential part of physical therapy education. So it seems reasonable to use the information obtained from students' assessment of clinical education to improve its quality. This study investigated the perception of senior students in the departments of physical therapy regarding the clinical education in the 1993 academic year. The degree of satisfaction with clinical education as well as factors that might influence students' satisfaction were investigated. One hundred and seventy-eight students from six universities participated in this study. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used for data collection and a scale to measure students' satisfaction with clinical education was constructed for this study. Questions focused mainly on students' attitude towards clinical education; personal details of students were also collected. Results revealed that only 2.8% of the students reported low levels of satisfaction with clinical education, 51.7% showed a medium level, whilst 45.5% showed a high level of satisfaction. Univariate analysis and stepwise regression analysis were employed to examine the association between student characteristics and the level of satisfaction with clinical education. The analysis showed that certain student characteristics were significantly associated with expressed high levels of satisfaction with clinical education (p<.0001). They were as follows: those students satisfied with clinical education showed high interest in physical therapy, were taught by clinical supervisors who were more involved in teaching, and were studying in institutions of their own choice. Recommendations aimed at improving clinical education are made on the basis of the discussion of these findings.


物理治療 臨床教育 滿意度


Clinical education is an essential part of physical therapy education. So it seems reasonable to use the information obtained from students' assessment of clinical education to improve its quality. This study investigated the perception of senior students in the departments of physical therapy regarding the clinical education in the 1993 academic year. The degree of satisfaction with clinical education as well as factors that might influence students' satisfaction were investigated. One hundred and seventy-eight students from six universities participated in this study. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used for data collection and a scale to measure students' satisfaction with clinical education was constructed for this study. Questions focused mainly on students' attitude towards clinical education; personal details of students were also collected. Results revealed that only 2.8% of the students reported low levels of satisfaction with clinical education, 51.7% showed a medium level, whilst 45.5% showed a high level of satisfaction. Univariate analysis and stepwise regression analysis were employed to examine the association between student characteristics and the level of satisfaction with clinical education. The analysis showed that certain student characteristics were significantly associated with expressed high levels of satisfaction with clinical education (p<.0001). They were as follows: those students satisfied with clinical education showed high interest in physical therapy, were taught by clinical supervisors who were more involved in teaching, and were studying in institutions of their own choice. Recommendations aimed at improving clinical education are made on the basis of the discussion of these findings.
