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Relationship between hypercompetitive personality and antisocial behavior: The moderation effect of moral disengagement




運動道德 攻擊 人格


Introduction: Moral in sports is a major topic in sports psychology. Research has indicated that motivational climate, goal orientation, and moral reasoning are critical factors affecting the antisocial behavior of individual athletes. However, a research gap exists regarding the influence of athlete personality traits on such behavior. Relevant studies have considered the dark side of personality to be the key to understanding the relationship between particular personality traits and misconduct in sports. The present study investigated the relationship between hypercompetitive traits and antisocial behavior of athletes and the moderating effect of moral disengagement on this relationship to identify the underlying principles and mechanisms. Methods: A survey targeting 356 first-division athletes in Taiwan's University Basketball Association and University Football Association was conducted in 2017. The questionnaire adopted a hypercompetitive attitude scale, a moral disengagement scale, and an antisocial behavior scale. The survey was conducted during the game season, and the hypothesis was tested using a hierarchical regression analysis. Results: Hypercompetitive personality was discovered to be significantly and positively correlated with antisocial behavior (toward rivals and teammates). Furthermore, moral disengagement was determined to positively moderate the relationship between hypercompetitive personality and teammate-oriented antisocial behavior. That is, when an athlete exhibits a high level of moral disengagement, a strong association can be observed between this individual's hypercompetitive personality and antisocial behavior toward teammates. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that a hypercompetitive personality is a critical factor predisposing athletes to antisocial behavior and those athletes exhibiting a high level of moral disengagement also exhibited more antisocial behavior toward teammates. Based on these findings, the research team proposes specific suggestions for sports team management and for future studies.


moral in sports aggressiveness personality


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