  • 期刊


Body Sway and Actions during Affordances Perceiving in Dynamic and Constant Judgment Conditions




Body sway and body displacement caused by actions generate the relative motions between organisms and environment. The information of the environment can be conveyed by the optic flow coming from these motions and benefits the perception of the affordances. But the distinctions between the effects that body sway and action can promote are still ambiguous. Moreover, the consistency of judgment results between the research paradigms of facing dynamic and constant judgment conditions are also waiting for further evidences. The purpose of this study was to investigate the above uncertain issues, the research questions for this study were: 1. Should the action be involved in environmental information perceiving? 2. Is body sway necessary for environmental information perceiving? 3. Does the gateway motion influence the judgment accuracy? In this study, 48 adult participants were randomly assigned into four experimental groups: 1. propelling wheelchair with body sway; 2. propelling wheelchair without body sway; 3. stilling wheelchair with body sway; and 4. stilling wheelchair without body sway. Participants were required to judge their minimum passing heights when facing both dynamic and constant gateway within the motion allowances of each group. The judgment results and body absolute and relative displacement will be recorded to run a two-way mixed ANOVA for verifying the roles of the contexts and motion in affordance perceiving. The results showed that: 1. The practical actions are not necessary in environmental information perceiving. 2. Body sways are critical movements for environmental information perceiving. 3. The gateway motion can provide more information to lead to more accurate judgments.


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