  • 期刊


Effect of Somatosensory Video Game Intervention on Simple Reaction in Institutionalized Older Adults


本研究旨在探討以不同時間體感式遊戲介入課程對養護機構高齡者簡單反應力之影響,研究對象以養護機構年滿65歲高齡者為參與者,實驗介入前依據高齡者參與意願以非隨機方式分配為實驗組與對照組,並控制認知功能為干擾變項,以簡短智能檢測(Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE)再細分為4週輕微至中度認知功能障礙(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)實驗組(9位;MMSE=20.44±1.67)、8週認知功能正常(no cognitive impairment, NCI)實驗組(8位;MMSE=28.25±2.43)、4週MCI對照組(9位;MMSE=21.22±1.79)與8週NCI對照組(9位;MMSE=26.44±2.46)。實驗組接受每週3次、每次30分鐘的體感式遊戲訓練課程;對照組則無任何介入;4組在實驗前後均進行簡單反應力測量,並以無母數統計分析組間與組內之差異。研究結果發現4週MCI實驗組與4週MCI對照組在平均反應時間與反應時間平均標準差皆未達到顯著差異;8週NCI實驗組與8週NCI對照組在簡單反應力達到顯著差異,但在撤出介入後反應時間平均標準差顯著退步,顯示無法獲得延宕效應。本研究結論為體感式遊戲對於養護機構高齡者的簡單反應力效果為正向的,即便無法立即改善個體的神經元輸送速度,卻可減緩老化導致簡單反應能力功能退化之效益。


The purpose of this study was to use the somatosensory video games on simple reaction of the institutionalized older adults. All participants above 65 years old were non-randomly assigned into experimental or control groups. The cognitive abilities were controlled as the confounding variables by the mini-mental state examination (MMSE). The participants were recruited and divided into four groups, including 4-week experimental group with mild cognitive impairment (MCI; n=9; MMSE=20.44±1.67), 8-week experimental group with no cognitive impairment (NCI; n=8; MMSE=28.25±2.43), 4-week control group with MCI (n=9; MMSE=21.22±1.79) and 8-week control group with NCI (n=9; MMSE=26.44±2.46). The experimental group completed 30-minute Xbox games 3 times per week. Non-parametric statistical analysis was used to compare the differences between and within the groups. The results showed that the mean reaction time and measure of dispersion reaction time were not significantly different between 4-week experimental group with MCI and 4-week control group with MCI. However, 8-week experimental group with NCI had significantly difference on simple reaction compared to 8-week control group with NCI, and showed that measure of dispersion reaction time had significantly regress after the withdrawal. These results conclude that somatosensory video game may have the positive effects on simple reaction in institutionalized older adults. Although the elders may not have immediately improvements on the neurons speed, the effect can restrain the deterioration of the simple reaction from the aging.


行政院經濟建設委員會(2012,8 月)。中華民國 2012 年至2060 年人口推計。資料引自http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0000455


