  • 期刊

The Clinical Efficacy of Digitized Film-Screen Mammograms



目的:本文主要目的為探討傳統乳房X光像(FSM)經數位化掃描之後,在高階顯示器所顯示的判讀效果,與原本傳統乳房X光像之間的差異。材料與方法:隨機收集100名女性患者曾經進行過乳房攝影的資料,且全部用掃描器掃描成數位影像。每一份乳房攝影影像包含標準的頂底像(craniocaudal film)及內外斜像(mediolateral oblique film)。利用掃描器(digitizer)將它們全部掃描儲存之後傳至PACS伺服器。全部乳房傳統X光影像與掃描影像都由兩位擅長判讀乳房像的放射線專科醫師獨立判讀,內容包含病灶位置,性質及乳房影像報告與資料系統(BI-RADS)。判讀者事先對患者病史及最終病理變化皆無所知悉,對兩類影像的判讀也相隔四星期。結果:結果顯示傳統乳房X光像與掃描過後的影像在腫瘤及鈣化的位置,性質及乳房影像報告與資料系統無差異。兩位放射線科醫師的判讀結果也很相近。結論:傳統乳房X光像與掃描過後的影像效益相等。


Background and purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in interpretation between film-screen mammograms (FSMs) and digitized FSMs (DFSMs). Materials and Methods: Samples included a randomly selected group of 100 patients with mammograms, all of which were digitized to digital data. Each mammogram included the 2 standard craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique films. All of the mammograms were scanned using a digitizer, and then transferred onto a Picture Archiving and Communication System server. All of the FSMs and DFSMs were interpreted by 2 specialized radiologists in terms of the lesion location, characteristics, and Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS). The reading sessions for each of the 2 groups of mammograms were separated by a period of 4weeks. Results: The results showed there was no difference in the BIRADS, location, or characteristics of microcalcifications and tumors between FSMs and DFSMs. Results of the interpretation between the 2 radiologists were similar with no significant differences. Conclusions: The efficacy of DFSMs equals that of FSMs.


BI-RADS film-screen mammograms FSMs digitizer PACS
