  • 期刊

Immunoendocrine Responses to Daily Repeated Exercise and the Influence of Carbohydrate Supplementation



單日重複性長時間運動暨不同時段運動對免疫系統之影響仍有待釐清。本綜評旨在探討單日重複性運動暨碳水化合物補充對人體免疫內分泌之影響。統整分析相關文獻後,獲致下列結語:一、在下午時段從事單次長時間運動較上午時段從事相同之運動引發更多之白血球再分配現象,其原因可能是受到較大之丘腦下部-腦垂體-腎上腺(hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, HPA)激活和週期性節律(circadian rhythms)之影響;但不同時段運動似乎不影響黏膜免疫(唾液免疫球蛋白A)反應。二、單日重複長時間運動之第二次運動較第一次運動引發更大之HPA反應、更多之白血球移轉至循環、更嚴重之嗜中性球功能下降;但未進一步增加血漿介白素-6(interleukine-6)或改變唾液免疫球蛋白A之分泌速率。三、在單日重複長時間運動之任何時段補充碳水化合物對於減緩第二次運動引發(相較於第一次)更大免疫內分泌反應之效果有限;然而,越早補充碳水化合物,延緩效果越好。四、長時間運動後休息3小時,不足以讓白血球移轉和嗜中性球功能充分恢復,不論運動者在運動中或恢復期是否補充碳水化合物;但休息18小時則已足夠。


It is still not clear how time of day and daily repeated bouts of prolonged exercise influence the immune system. In this review the immunoendocrine responses to repeated exercise bouts on the same day and the influence of carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation are addressed. Summaries were concluded in this review according to the current knowledge: (1) A single bout of prolonged exercise performed in the afternoon induced a larger perturbation in leukocyte trafficking into the circulation than an identical bout of morning exercise, which may be due to higher hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) activation and circadian rhythms. However, there was no effect on mucosal immune responses (salivary IgA). (2) The second compared with the first of two bouts of prolonged exercise induced a greater HPA activation, a larger leukocyte trafficking into the circulation, and a greater fall in neutrophil function, but did not further increase plasma IL-6, or change sIgA secretion rate. (3) CHO ingestion during any period of two bouts of prolonged exercise showed limited beneficial effect to blunt these higher responses in the second exercise bout compared with the first. When two bouts of exercise were performed in a day, the greatest benefit in terms of limiting immunoendocrine responses was obtained by feeding CHO at the earliest opportunity. (4) A 3-h interval was insufficient, whereas an 18-h interval was sufficient, for recovery of leukocyte mobilization and neutrophil function from the impact of previous exercise whether subjects consumed placebo or CHO during exercise or recovery.


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