  • 期刊

東縣潮州鎮清潔隊員戒食檳榔教育前導性入研究(Part II)

A Pilot Study in the Cessation of the Areca Nuts for Cleaners of Chao-Jhou Township, Ping-Tung County (Part II)


研究背景:國內戒食檳榔研究較少採用Health Belief Model(HBM)作為介入的理論基礎,故本研究應用HBM理論為戒食檳榔課程教育介入的基礎,探討戒食檳榔之成效研究目的:本研究旨在應用健康信念模式理論(Health Belief Model,HBM)發展衛生教育介入策略評價男性戒食檳榔之成效研究方法:本研究採準實驗設計,以潮州鎮清潔隊為實驗組共30人,萬丹鄉清潔隊為對照組共25人,實驗組經過三次戒食檳榔教育介入,一個月一次,一次時間為50分鐘,對照組只給予單張衛教,不施行任何衛教介入,以t檢定及迴歸分析評價介入前後男性戒食檳榔之成效結果:實驗組前測、後測及後後測嚼食檳榔平均顆數顯著減少(17顆,13.5顆,13.7顆),具有立即與延宕的效果(P<.001),對照組無顯著改變。對戒食檳榔有顯著預測力的變項(P<.001),包括戒食檳榔障礙性、每日檳榔嚼食量結論:有接受戒食檳榔課程教育介入的研究對象,後測、後後測嚼食檳榔平均顆數顯著減少,顯示戒食檳榔課程教育介入的方式,是可以有效降低檳榔嚼食量。


Objective: This study aims to evaluate the application of the Health Belief Model (HBM) on cessation of chewing betel nuts behavior among men cleaners in a township of Pin-Tung County. Method: The study was a quasi-experimental design. The HBM theory was adopted to conduct the areca nut chewing intervention for male cleaners. Thirty subjects who worked for Chaozhou Cleaning. Squads were recruited in experimental group and 25 subjects who worked for Wandan cleaning squad were in control group. The experimental group received the three-time areca nut chewing cessation curricula. Each curriculum took about 50 minutes once a month. The control group only received individual health education. T-test and a series of regression analysis were used to analyze the baseline and follow-up data. Result: Compared to baseline data, a significant decreased in the daily amount of betel nut were found on follow-up in experiment group (p <.001). However, no significant changes were found in the control group. The perceived barriers and daily of amount chewing betel nut significantly predicted cessation of the areca nuts (p<.001). Conclusion: The areca nut chewing cessation program has significantly decreased areca nut chewing quantity in experimental group than the control group. This result indicated a significant effect of the areca nut chewing cessation program on areca chewing quantities.
