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A Critical Study of John Fowles' "The Collector"





多數人 菁英 收集 綁架


The novel depicts that a lonely young man, Frederick Clegg, working as a clerk in a city hall, and collecting butterflies in his spare time, is obsessed with and kidnaps Miranda Grey, a middle-class art student. The first part of the novel tells the story from his point of view, but the second part of the novel is narrated by Miranda in the form of fragments from a diary that she keeps during her captivity. The author, John Fowls, manipulates the readers by offering one incident from two different perspectives. Clegg in the novel stands for ”the Many,” designed to describe most of people, or people in lower society, whereas Miranda represents ”the Few,” considered to be the elite in the world. These two different ideologies confront and collide with each other to convey the idea of abnormal love under the circumstance that ”the Many” used to be isolated by ”the Few” and its system. By kidnapping Miranda, Clegg challenges the system made by society to reveal the inequality and misery that have haunted ”the Many.” Kidnapping becomes a method to liberate Clegg's soul confined for years. His ”collection” of Miranda becomes a symbol of the typical oppressed that is eager to free off social confinement. Therefore, this paper targets the interactions and inner monologues between these two characters through the analysis of their mental and physical reactions.


the Many the Few collection kidnapping
