  • 期刊

【論文摘要】Evaluation of the Negative Arterial to end-tidal CO_2 pressure gradient as a predictor of survival in acute respiratory failure



Background:Measurement of CO_2 concentrations in the expired air directly indicates changes in the elimination of CO_2 from the lungs. In a healthy person, end tidal CO_2 (elimination of PCO_2 from alveolar) is lower than PaCO_2 (arterial PCO_2) by 2-5 mmHg. The Arterial to end-tidal CO_2 pressure gradient [(a-ET) PCO_2 ]is dependent on the amount of alveolar dead space. Negative (a-ET) PCO_2 values were observed with increased cardiac output and increased CO_2 production, reduced FRC and low compliance. Thus, (a-ET) PCO_2 monitoring can be used as a simple index of pulmonary blood flow. Objectives:The objective of this study was to investigate the association between (a-ET) PCO_2 and mortality in patients with acute respiratory failure. Methods:We retrospective studied 197 intubated patients undergoing mechanical ventilation due to acute respiratory failure patients between 2014 and 2015 in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. PaCO_2 to end-tidal CO_2 pressure gradient with clinical data and outcomes were measured after admission. Result:Forty patients with negative (a-ET) PCO_2 values had lower mortality, lower FiO_2 setting, lower respiratory rate and higher blood pressure (Table.1).Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) associated with Age(<65yr), gender(male),PaO_2/FiO_2(<300) and minute volume(>8L/min) were 0.078(0.010-0.624),0.148 (0.042-0.521), 0.089(0.011-0.701)and 0.229(0.075-0.698), respectively(Table2). Negative (a-ET) PCO_2 was strongly associated with good outcome and were significantly associated with overall survival (figure 1). Conclusion:In conclusion, the negative arterial to end-tidal CO_2 pressure gradient may predict patient survival in some subgroups.
