  • 期刊


The Taiwanese's Cognition, Participation, and Evaluation of the Seventh Revision of the Constitution in 2005




The constitution is the most important and fundamental law of a country, so its revision is supposed to be the result of deliberation. The constitution of ROC was amended seven times since the lifting of the Martial Law in 1987. This research examines whether the seventh revision of the Constitution in 2005, which is the latest and most important revision, was the result of deliberation. Constitutional amendment will not be legitimate without citizens' involvement, so both mass and elites' cognition, participation, and evaluation of the seventh revision of the Constitution are examined. The analysis of the data of Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study and Taiwan Representation Study shows that the Taiwanese did not know why an election of National Assembly was held and could not identified the positions of political parties on a variety of issues of constitutional revision. Few citizens voted in the election of 2005, and did not satisfy with the seventh revision of the Constitution. On the other hand, the political elites failed to develop consensus within their parties, did not attract citizens attention, and mobilized few people to vote in the 2005 election. When asking political elites' opinions in 2012 on the proposals of the seventh revision of the Constitution, their positions were different from that in 2005. Therefore, the empirical data demonstrates that the seventh revision of the Constitution in 2005 is far from a result of deliberation.


