  • 學位論文


Influence of Petrochemical Complex on Adults’ Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene Levels

指導教授 : 詹長權


背景與目的:研究已發現六輕工業區附近的居民有較高的惡性腫瘤、肝癌、及口腔癌的死亡率。然而,附近居民暴露於六輕工業區所排放的多環芳香烴所受到的影響目前仍不清楚,因此本研究透過測量一生物指標1-羥基芘來評估居民暴露於多環芳香烴之情形。 方法:本研究根據風向與距離選擇出三個研究地點:1)麥寮,為六輕工業區之所在地;2)台西,位於六輕工業區的下風處,且在工業區的半徑十公里以內;3)虎尾,位於六輕工業區的上風處,且距離工業區二十五公里以外。一共有392位來自這三個鄉鎮的三十五歲以上成年人參與此研究,並收集了他們的尿液樣本以及問卷資料。尿液樣本分析尿中1-羥基芘的方法是使用高效能液相層析儀,並以螢光偵測。 結果:以1-羥基芘的濃度來看,住在麥寮的居民有最高的1-羥基芘濃度,其次是台西的居民,最後是虎尾的居民(0.23±0.33 vs. 0.15±0.20 vs. 0.08±0.07 μmol/mol-creatinine) ,以ANOVA統計方式顯示此差異是顯著的 (p<0.01)。 在迴歸模式中,經過校正相關的干擾因子後,此區域效應對於1-羥基芘的濃度仍維持統計上的顯著意義,與虎尾居民相比,麥寮居民的1-羥基芘濃度高出1.89倍,而台西居民的1-羥基芘濃度高出1.43倍。而在非吸菸族群,1-羥基芘濃度的差異則更明顯,麥寮居民的1-羥基芘濃度高出虎尾居民2.19倍,而台西居民的1-羥基芘濃度高出虎尾居民1.76倍。 結論:居民的1-羥基芘濃度呈現與居住的地區有相關,顯示居住於該地區的民眾所暴露的多環芳香烴極可能是來自於六輕工業區。


Background and Aims: Previous research has found residents living near the No.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex have higher mortality rates of malignant tumor, liver cancer, and oral cancer. However, the effect of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emitted from this petrochemical complex on residents was still not clear. This study measured urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) as a biomarker to assess people’s exposure to PAHs emitted from the petrochemical complex. Methods: Three towns were chosen as study sites based on wind direction and distance from the complex: 1) Mailiao, where the complex located; 2) Taisi, the downwind area within 10 km radius of the complex; 3) Huwei, the upwind area of 25 km away from the complex. We recruited 392 adults and collected their spot urine samples and questionnaire data. Urine samples were analyzed for 1-OHP by a High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Florescent method. Results: Residents living in Mailiao had the highest urinary 1-OHP concentration, followed by those in Taisi and those in Huwei (0.23±0.33 vs. 0.15±0.20 vs. 0.08±0.07 μmol/mol-creatinine) by ANOVA-test (p<0.01). After controlling the covariates in regression model, the zone effect on 1-OHP levels remained significant. The 1-OHP concentration of Mailiao was 1.89 times and Taisi was 1.43 times more than Huwei (p<0.01). In non-smoking group, the 1-hydroxypyrene differences were even more obvious that Mailiao was 2.14 times and Taisi was 1.70 times more than Huwei (p<0.01). Conclusions: Residents’ 1-OHP concentrations were significantly related to zone effect, indicating their proximity to a large industrial point source of PAHs.


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