  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Critical Success Factors of the Business Development for the Service Industries

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


根據世界銀行對服務業產值比率所做的統計中顯示,全球大部分國家服務業產值已遠超過製造業,說明服務業對經濟活動的重要性及未來的發展趨勢。而我國服務業至2011年產值已達七成之多,但台灣市場小較缺乏競爭力,國內企業想要成功發展仰賴於本身之競爭優勢也就是致勝之關鍵因素,若能掌握住這些關鍵因素,企業便能在產業競爭中取得優勢、獲得成功。而目前國內服務行業眾多,尚未有一套完成之關鍵成功因素。因此,本研究欲建構一「適用性的服務業發展之關鍵成功因素指標」,並經由專家評判各關鍵因素之重要程度排序。本研究由文獻分析、彙整出服務業之各關鍵性成功構面與因素,再經由德菲法初步建構出4個分析構面、19項關鍵成功因素與46題關鍵運作活動指標。 藉由17位專家針對評估指標做一重要程度勾選,在兩次德菲問卷回收與分析後,達成專家對各評估指標之共識並且篩選出19項關鍵因素及53題關鍵運作活動指標,分析結果中得知關鍵成功因素重要度前八名依序是「顧客需求之了解」、「優質的供應方式」、「聚焦目標顧客群」與「產品策略」、「核心價值」、「優質的人才」、「製造與生產管理」及「IT系統與運作」。本研究之結果希冀提供給服務業者或是已鎖定特定某一行業之業者,可從本研究建構之關鍵成功因素指標裡找與本行業相關之因素來制定策略,進而提升企業之競爭能力。


According to the statistics of World Bank, the output ratio of the service industries are higher than the manufacturing industries, the output ratio indicating the importance of economic activity and future development trends in service industry. The output ratio of Services industry in Taiwan has reached about 70% in 2011, but Taiwan market is small and lack of competitiveness with other countries. To be successful, the enterprise must rely on the internal competitive advantage, which is the key to success. By focusing on these critical factors, the enterprises could gain advantage and success in the competitive environment of the industry. Nowadays, Taiwan has many different service industries, but they don’t have complete critical success factor indicators. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to establish the critical success factors indicators in applicable different service industries. First, we use literature reviews and experts interview to evaluate the importance of the key factors, and then use Delphi Method to initially construct 4 dimensions, 19 key success factors and 46 items of key activities. After receiving the questionnaire back from the 17 experts, the data will be analyzed by using Delphi Method to determine the importance of 19 key factors indicators and 53 items of key activities. The most 8 critical success factors are “Understanding of customer needs”, “Excellent offering”,“Focus on target customers “,“Product strategy”, “Core value”, “Outstanding talents”, “Manufacturing and production management”and “Information Technology systems and operation ". The results of this study could help service industries to develop strategies from these key success factor in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.


李格毅(2010)。以I-P-O模式建構醫療院所之績效指標。中原大學工業與系統工程學系 碩士論文。


