  • 學位論文


A Study of Promoting Urban Agriculture to Improve Quality of Life

指導教授 : 衛萬明


在都市化持續進行的現在,氣候變遷、資源匱乏與分配不均及因快速都市化造成的人口、經濟及環境壓力,皆為都市帶來前所未有的嚴重挑戰。生活品質(Quality of Life, QoL),在現代都市中經濟、環境及社會條件的極速變動下,則是另一個都市及相關領域近年關注的重要議題。都市農業(Urban Agriculture, UA),由於具備多元機能且能靈活地於都市進行相關活動,成為近年極受矚目的重要都市議題之一。都市農業的角色及執行需要仰賴對其使用土地的仔細社會成本及效率的評估,若欲積極推行都市農業,清楚辨認都市農業發展之可能需求及對執行基地之客觀評估是十分重要的。本研究著重於以提昇生活品質為目標的都市農業推行之可能,並期待研究成果可為決策及研究單位進行都市農業推動時資源分配及區位選擇之參考及依據。 本研究欲以提昇生活品質為目標下之都市農業推行為主要研究目的,並配合客觀的科學方法對實證地區之選擇進行評估。首先將針對都市農業及生活品質之相關文獻進行回顧與分析,並試圖釐清都市農業於提昇生活品質之可能面向與準則,接著以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Technique, FDT)專家問卷篩選適用於大台北地區之都市農業準則,最後以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)對實證基地進行分析與排序,以評選當欲以提昇生活品質為目標時,目前大台北地區最適合發展都市農業之基地,並供決策及相關規劃單位對於都市農業發展及推動之參考依據。


Quality of life has been the domain of development discourse for the past decade around the world. The research for a quality of life promotion has always been an important issue among the urban planning and development field. Urban agriculture, an implication has multiple functions in urban environment, might be an efficient approach to promote urban quality of life. The role which urban agriculture will play depends on careful social cost/effectiveness studies of the alternative uses of land. It will be necessary to forecast urban agriculture requirements for the consideration of urban development. This study highlights the benefits of adopting this practice with the aim to help decision makers to include scenario thinking in the process of determining land allocation for urban agriculture application. This study tries to introduce urban agriculture to promote quality of life and utilize objective scientific method to the empirical study. This study will include the following sections. First, we try to study and classify the characteristics of urban agriculture considerations based on literature review. Followed by applying fuzzy Delphi technique (FDT) to obtain individual expert’s opinions and to screen the most important criteria of proposed urban agriculture considerations in our research. And then the empirical study of Taipei areas will be demonstrated to show the application of our proposed methodology. Finally, the utilization of data envelopment analysis (DEA) model combined with assurance region analysis will be applied to select the most suitable urban agriculture locations as the suggested development strategies for urban quality of life.


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