  • 學位論文


Development of the Ecological community with Ecological Corridors in Xingnan Area, Huwei , Yunlin

指導教授 : 戴守谷




Due to the severe global climate changes and the unbalanced ecosystem caused by human factors, species have now faced the trial of persistence. As these negative factors gradually endanger the existence of some native species under the law of natural selection, it also shrinks our friendly living space. Therefore, in recent years, the concept of sustainable development has become an important ecological topic. Human starts to notice the great danger brought by overdeveloping lands. Animals’ habitats will be destroyed, and some species will become extinct. As the rigorous change of the environment in Taiwan, Taiwan’s government starts to respect community’s ecosystem, including applying the ecological network concept in designing and managing residential area, and setting it as the major goal. This study will be based on the theory of ecological corridors, applying the data of the empirical case studies of Xingnan region in Huwei Township, and building ecological corridors in Xingnan area, based on the case studies data. The purpose of this study is to build ecological corridors that can fulfill the actual state of the local ecosystem’s need. Applying field trial, interview survey and scenario analysis at the same time is to ensure that researchers can study with a systematic method, and remain objective till the end. To sum up, this study may improve the existing ecological corridors. Combining the concept of touring spot with the environmentally friendly farm, the study might become a prototype of future communities’ ecological corridors. The research will revive the abandoned lands into a habitat for a great abundant of animals and plants. If we could integrate rail roads, car lanes, river banks, farm land side roads, pounds and waterways, with Huwei Sugar Factory Iron Bridge, an eco-friendly biking track can be formed. It could offer relaxation to the residents, and additional value to the ecological farm touring relaxation. Xingnan village will turn into a modern LOHAS (lifestyle of health and sustainability) organic farm village.


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