  • 學位論文

建立水稻種原(Oryza sativa L.)耐旱性之幼苗篩選方法

Establishment of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seedling Screening Method for Drought Tolerance

指導教授 : 謝清祥 博士 吳志文 博士


水稻栽培中缺乏準確的選拔技術以發展耐旱品種,在水稻生產上是重要的限制因子之ㄧ。本論文研究利用三階段之一系列實驗去評估篩選indica型水稻幼苗階段對乾旱忍受力反應表現: (1)通過不同的土壤深度觀察不同種原根系發展以確認其耐旱性的調查。(2)在育苗盤用土和砂混合介質並建立及評估水稻幼苗對耐旱性的反應及以組培方式進行以PEG-6000之模擬耐旱測試。(3)利用不同遺傳型種原於幼苗階段,評估其耐旱性之生長與生理反應。土壤深度約0-5公分及5-10公分中可明顯偵測出不同種原之根數變化,根累積的數量約0-40公分時亦同。TCS17、TCS10和TN1在乾旱逆境下根增殖量較多被鑑定具耐旱力,CSY112和CSY951042屬於不耐旱型。已利用土:砂之混合介質建立一利用秧苗盤穩定且快速偵測水稻幼苗耐旱性之方法,且葉乾旱評分是被視為評估在乾旱逆境下水稻幼苗反應的可信賴標準。組織培養介質中加入PEG-6000 5 g l-1之測試結果顯示可明顯降低幼苗成活率(TCS17為6.67%、CSY112為30%和TNGS14為36.67%)、試管內幼苗的鮮重和乾重,但是乾物量的增加並不顯著。KHS7和TCS17於第三階段PEG-6000測試結果顯示具最佳的的耐旱力,TS2、TNGS14和CSY112則為易受害品種。PEG處理導致乾旱逆境處理的相對生長率(RGR)減少,且脯氨酸(Pro)含量增加。耐旱遺傳型較不耐旱的遺傳型相對生長率減少較低,但在不同遺傳型之間的脯氨酸累積是沒有顯著差異。在逆境下不耐旱遺傳型的總蛋白質量明顯增加,而耐旱遺傳型則為減少。結合育苗盤介質之迅速、簡單的篩選技術和聚乙二醇(PEG)組織培養之水稻幼苗耐旱測試系統可於幼苗期有效選拔耐旱水稻種原。


Lack of accurate screening techniques limits the development of tolerant cultivars to drought, which is the most important constraint in rice productivity. A series of experiments were conducted in three stages to evaluate drought tolerance response of indica type rice genotypes at seedling stage: 1) identification of the drought-tolerance potential through observation of root proliferation at different soil depths; 2) selection of soil:sand mixtures and evaluation of drought tolerance responses of rice seedling in nursery trays, as well as in vitro test using PEG-6000 in MS medium; 3) evaluation of drought-tolerance physiological responses at seedling stage in vitro of four previously selected genotypes. Significant genetic variations among genotypes were found in number of root at depths from 0-5 cm, passing 5 and 10 cm, and in accumulated number of root counted from 0-40 cm. According to the root proliferation under drought stress, the genotypes TCS17, TCS10 and TN1 were identified as drought tolerant; genotypes CSY112, and CSY951042 were identified as susceptible. In the in vivo screening of rice seedling, a rapid screening process through soil:sand mixture for rice seedling was established. Leaf drying score was confirmed as a reliable criterion to evaluate water status of rice genotypes seedling under drought stress. The addition of 5 g l-1 of PEG-6000 was found to reduce seedling survival rate (6.67%, 30% and 36.67% for TCS17, CSY112 and TNGS14, respectively), fresh weight and dry weight in vitro, but the increase of dry matter was not significant. For seedling evaluations, genotypes KHS7 and TCS17 showed the best drought tolerance; TS2, TNGS14, and CSY112 were susceptible. The PEG drought-stressed treatment causes reduction in relative growth rate (RGR) and increase proline (Pro) content. Tolerant genotypes showed lower RGR reduction than susceptible genotypes; no differences among genotypes were found in Pro accumulation. The total amount of proteins increased under stress in susceptible genotypes, while decreased in tolerant genotypes. A rapid, simple, and feasible screening system, which combines the use of nursery trays and polyethylene glycol (PEG) tissue culture test, was developed to select drought tolerant rice genotypes at seedling stage under controlled conditions.


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