  • 學位論文


A Study on Enhancing Income for Farmers Participating in the Afforestation in the Plain Area Program

指導教授 : 林國慶




Afforestation in the plain area program has been implemented for 6 years since 2002. From 2002 to 2007, the total area of new afforestation is 8,919.18 ha, that is only 35.53% of the original goal of 25,100 ha. The main difficulty of promoting private afforestation is the constrained land property rights imposed by the regulations for the period of 20 years after farmers enrolled in the afforestation program, which might reduce farmers’ opportunities to increase income. The purpose of this study is to recommend possible ways of forest and forest land managements in order to enhance the income opportunities for farmers participating in the afforestation program. This study also analyzes the cognitions of farmers in different management measures in enhancing income which might affect their supports of recommended management measures. A survey data by Lin (2008) was employed in this study. Farmers participating in the afforestation program in Hualien County, Pingtung County, and Tainan County, the related experts and scholars, county and city government officials, Forestry Bureau and the Forest Management Office officials were interviewed in this survey. The criteria used in the recommendation of those management measures considered are two folds. One is the high degree of supports and the other is the low degree of differences in the degree of supports among four groups of people surveyed. Based on these two criteria, two management measures are highly recommended, which include “establishing enterprise adoption mechanism of carbon emission” and “allowing farmers to use or sell special forest products”. Two management measures are recommended, which include “allowing farmers to thin and sell thinned logs” and “allowing farmers to develop leisure agriculture or biological leisure agriculture”. Two management measures are recommended with reservations, which include “allowing farmers to remove those trees which are more than legally required” and “allowing farmers to plant the shade-tolerant kinds of plaints”. And lastly three management measures are not recommended, which include “allowing farmers to raise chickens and ducks on the forest land”, “allowing farmers to remove and sell landscape plants in the period of afforestation”, and “allowing farmers to construct log cabin or farmhouse on the forest land”. The empirical resuls show that the cognitions of recommended management measures in enhancing farmers’ income have positive effects on the attitude of farmers in supporting the recommended management measures. The regulations of afforestation program on both the forest land and the objects on the land should be well-defined for the efficient use of resources. The government should set the priority to introduce highly recommended and recommended management measures and whereby modify the regulations which are deemed necessary in order to increase the opportunities of enhancing income by farmers. The regulation modification should be based on the principle of sustaining the positive externality provided by the forest land and complied with the original objectives of the policy.




