  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Physical Developmental Effect in Surrounding Neighborhood: A case study of Hualien Tzu-Chi Park

指導教授 : 林建元


長期以來,花蓮地區較於台灣北部、西部等地區發展緩慢,加上先天自然環境限制緣故,聯外交通不便,導致公部門或私部門的許多相關資源投入花蓮不足,基礎設施建設腳步緩慢,在近年來,觀光休閒活動獲得社會大眾重視與熱衷,此亦為花蓮的發展帶來曙光。花蓮在這樣的發展脈絡與環境下,證嚴法師領導的慈濟基金會於此發源,並於花蓮市的西部地區落地生根,對於相關醫療、慈善資源與醫院、學校匱乏的花蓮居民給予很大協助。慈濟基金會歷經近四十年的努力,將其組織日益擴大外,對台灣社會的影響增加,以及一般民眾對於慈濟的認知與印象加深,提高花蓮的形象與知名度,本研究於此觀察角度下,分析花蓮慈濟志業園區對周邊鄰里社區人口、經濟活動、社區發展、土地價格與交通運輸之影響。 本研究透過實地觀察、相關人士的訪問,以及二手相關資料的整理和分析,瞭解花蓮慈濟園區對於其週邊鄰里社區發展之影響分析,探究不同的實質和非實質影響項目之間的相互關係。慈濟基金會在社會層面發揮的影響力,吸引不同目的的人口居聚於園區周圍,產生許多生活需求,而於周邊鄰里間產生服務業和餐飲業為主的經濟活動,帶來商機,同時因為大量的居住與活動人口,影響土地價格與不動產市場成長,亦產生交通、攤販與環境衛生等問題。在鄰里社區活動或意識凝聚方面的影響上,顯示愈是與慈濟志工或基金會互動良好的社區,對慈濟的認同度愈高,這從兩個在空間上緊連慈濟園區的國興里與國慶里可看出最好的驗證與反證。


Due to the geographical conditions and inconvenient traffic connection, Hualien County had been less-developed than other regions of Taiwan for a long time. Although all kinds of incentives have been provided to encourage industrial investment in Hualien, not much effect was resulted. Recently, thanks to the rapid development of recreation and tourism activities in Taiwan, and Hualien city is able to have opportunity to develop its tourism industry and makes itself a tourism-oriented place. Among many sources attracting tourists to Hualien, religious tourists attracted by Tzu-Chi deserves our attention in terms of regional development. Forty years ago, the Tzu-Chi Foundation led by Master Cheng-Yeng chose the west part of Hualien city as it’s headquarter. Currently, the Tzu-Chi Foundation not only expanded its organization, increased its influence in Taiwan society, but also had deepened her impression and identity in common people. Moreover, the image of Tzu-Chi also highlighted the image of Hualien and made Hualien a more well-known place, which is a favorable variable to the tourism promotion. This research is aimed to analyze the impacts of Hualien Tzu-Chi Park on its surrounding neighborhood, and to analyze the relationship between physical and non-physical factors. On the one hand, because of the reputation of Tzu-Chi Foundation in Taiwan society, Tzu-Chi Park in Hualien city not only attracted lots of different people to live nearby, but also brought benefits to the real estate industry in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the daily needs of immigrants bring in retailing opportunities in this area so that commercial streets are developed. On the other hand, the number of residents, students, and workers also brought huge traffic flow, informal stalls, and environmental problems. The complicated relationships of different aspects found in this research should be helpful for the formulation of future regional development policy.


