  • 期刊


A Study about the School and Home Experiences of the Juveniles Who Have Frequent Truant but Not Running Away from Home


本研究主要針對經常逃學而不逃家之少年進行訪談,試圖探索出其等與學校、家庭間之互動經驗,以及相關抉擇因素。 研究過程立意取樣五位少年,採取半結構式深度訪談行之。不過,研究者基於訪談專業性與研究倫理之考量,實際訪談之進行,係委諸臺灣高雄少年法院之少年調查官與心理輔導員協助實施,而針對訪談所得資料,則採取詮釋現象學之理論進行分析。 從跨個案分析中,歸納出以下幾項結論:受訪少年都是上國中之後,才漸漸對課業喪失學習興趣,而國中階段在校負向經驗逐漸累積之結果,無異形成一股強大推力,此時,網路遊戲恰好介入形成吸力,加速將受訪者帶離校園。另外,受訪者多表示,其等所在意者,是能否在家庭中擁有被家人關心,以及是否能享有那一份溫暖(馨)氣氛、自在、輕鬆之感覺。而當受訪少年主動感受到家庭所提供之溫暖氣氛,體會家人關愛,並理性評估逃家後之不利益後,幾乎均不曾想過要逃家。此外,在受訪者生命過程中所經歷之某些事件,會對其一生形成重要影響。 基於以上研究發現,研究者分別針對學校、家長及少年司法政策擬訂者提出建議,希望能減少少年出現逃學行為,並增進其等與家庭間之互動聯繫。


逃學 逃家 互動經驗 詮釋現象學


The main purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of interaction about school and family and the related choice factors of the juveniles who are frequent truanting but not running away from home by interview. Five juveniles are invited to participate in this study, semi-structured in-depth interview is adopted. However, due to the consideration of expertise in interview and research ethics, the researchers have consigned the actual interview to the juvenile investigator and psychological counselor in Taiwan Kaohsiung Juvenile Court. Texts are collected from five juveniles who are frequent truanting but not running away from home. The methodology applied in this study is based on the hermeneutic phenomenology. Through the thematic analysis, cross-case analysis, group confirmation and clarification, some themes appeared as follows: The juveniles under interview all show the gradual loss of interest on learning after getting into junior high school. The negative experiences in junior high school have a strong force to push the juveniles out of the campus and then they go into the internet virtual world. All the juveniles care more about whether they can receive care from other family members, and whether they can have the feeling of warmth, freedom and relaxation. After juveniles under interview have felt the warm atmosphere of the family and the care provided by the family member or after their reasonable evaluation of the disadvantageous factor of running away from home, most of them almost give up running away from home. Some life events occur in the life process of the juveniles under interview will have important effect on the life of the person. Based on the research result, the researchers have proposed some suggestions respectively to school, parents, juvenile justice policy makers in a hope to reduce truant behavior and to enhance their interactive contact with family.


