社群網路服務(social network service, SNS)概念的倡興,連結了網路世界與現實人群的互動,以使用者為主體的內容產製與分享,讓資訊與知識的生產轉化成為了一種協作的概念;而空間資訊科技(geospatial information technology, GIT)的引介與鑲嵌,除了豐富SNS既有的語彙,也讓網路社群的交往與現實世界的治理議題產生連結。本研究試圖透過臺灣莫拉克風災與海地地震等兩個災變治理的案例,探討空間資訊作為一種SNS的擴充語彙,如何在災變發生時迅速地協助訊息傳播與資源調配,甚至在災變後期的志工動員、復原安置等議題中發揮其影響力,擴展SNS的對話框架與可能;空間資訊轉譯了SNS使用者的訊息與知識,從而創造了網路行動者與災變環境治理間的連結,並藉由協力式的災變製圖過程,建構由下而上的災變治理論述,影響災變的治理程序與結構,也促成可能的典範轉移。然而,以SNS為主體所產製的空間資訊在資訊有效性、可信度及與治理制度連結等議題上,仍充滿挑戰。
The recent boom in social network service (SNS) necessitates the development of connections between the cyber and real worlds. Additionally, the introduction of geospatial information technology (GIT) extends SNS vocabulary. User generated geospatial content has likewise revolutionized information production and sharing. User generated geospatial content not only extends social network vocabulary, but also incorporates SNS into the issue of real-world governance. This investigation examines how GIT and geospatial information contributed to the efficacy of SNS in two cases of disaster management - the 2009 typhoon Morakot in Taiwan and the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Information transmission, resource allocation, volunteer coordination and victim resettlement are evaluated. Collaborative crisis mapping establishes bottom-up disaster management. While geospatial information generated by volunteers presents challenges to data validity and credibility, it nevertheless may supplement official disaster management systems.