  • 期刊

Celeste C Tanchoco;Arsenia J Cruz;Jossie M Rogaccion;Rosemarie S Casem;Marietta P Rodriguez;Consuelo L Orense;Lilibeth C Hermosura



此研究評估在腹瀉期間補充中鏈脂肪酸(MCT)油脂的效應,特別針對病人臨床表現的效應。17名,於菲律賓總醫院醫學中心小兒科病房及其鄰近的健康中心就診的急性腹瀉兒童,年齡6至47個月,平均年齡19.6個月。採用雙盲隨機設計。在納入研究前,由一名醫生進行身體及臨床評估。在補充之前及之後,由臨床研究者進行飲食、體位測量及生化評估。研究對象隨機分派進入MCT油脂補充飲食或非MCT油脂補充飲食。每日監測飲食攝取及腹瀉的頻率。任何可能會出現的副作用均接受嚴密的監控。兩組在研究開始之年齡、身高、體重、膽固醇或是三酸甘油酯濃度等基本特性均沒有顯著差異。研究開始及介入其間的營養素攝取也沒有顯著差異。在補充MCT油脂後,兩組的膽固醇及三酸甘油酯沒有不同。MCT組與非MCT組在研究開始、6小時及12小時候排便的次數沒有差異。採用蘇丹染色評估,沒有研究對象在介入期間有脂質吸收不良的現象。MCT組比起非MCT組的研究對象在體重增加率上達統計顯著差異(0.22 + 0.22 kg/day vs -.048 + .26 kg/day), (p=.042)。MCT油脂可能促進體重增加(雖然這個成分在體組成的名詞還不確定),且在急性腹瀉兒童短期介入呈現趨勢。因為受限於樣本數,使得無法下結論。MCT油脂不會引起嘔吐、脫水或脂質耐受不良。MCT油脂也不會造成膽固醇及三酸甘油酯的升高。較多較大樣本及較長的時間之研究,將值得用以評估MCT油脂在兒童腹瀉的效應。


This study was undertaken to determine the effect of medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil supplementation on the duration and episodes of diarrhea attacks, and specifically its effect on the clinical manifestations of patients. Seventeen children aged 6 months to 47 months old with a mean age of 19.6 months, suffering from acute diarrhea at the Pediatric Ward of the Philippine General Hospital Medical Center and other neighboring health centers were studied. A double-blind randomized design was employed. Physical and clinical assessment was performed by a physician prior to enrolment in the study. Dietary, anthropometric, and biochemical assessment were undertaken by clinical investigators before and after the supplementation. The subjects were randomly assigned to either the MCT oil- supplemented diet or the non-MCT oil diet. Daily monitoring of food intake and the frequency or episodes of diarrhea attacks was done. Subjects were closely monitored for any possible adverse reactions. The baseline characteristics of the subjects were not significantly different for any of age, height, weight, cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations between the two groups. Nutrient intakes at baseline and during intervention were also not significantly different. There were no differences in cholesterol and triglyceride between the two groups after supplementation. Stool frequencies of the MCT group and the non-MCT group at baseline, after the 6th hr, and at 12th hour, were not different. No subject developed fat malabsorption during the intervention, as assessed with Sudan Black stain. There was statistical significant difference in the rate of weight gain among subjects in the MCT group compared to subjects in the non-MCT group (0.22 ± 0.22 kg/day vs. -.048 ± .26 kg/day, (p= .042). MCT oil may promote weight gain (although what this constitutes in body compositional terms is uncertain) and shows a trend towards shorter duration of intervention among children with acute diarrhea. Limited sample size precludes conclusions on these possibilities. MCT oil did not cause vomiting, dehydration, or fat intolerance. MCT oil did not cause an elevation in cholesterol and triglyceride levels. More studies, with larger sample size, and longer duration will be worthwhile to assess the effect of MCT oil on childhood diarrhea.
