  • 期刊


The Research of Deviant Behavior of Teenagers in Single-Parent Families: A Perspective of Power-Control Theory


隨著社會的變遷,台灣有愈來愈多的單親家庭出現,過去的許多研究顯示,單親家庭長大的青少年發生偏差行爲的比例較一般正常家庭的青少年來得高,但爲什麼單親家庭成長下的青少年較容易發生偏差行爲,則鮮少爲人所探討。本研究則試圖從權力控制的觀點,探討單親家庭青少年形成偏差行爲的原因,並分析單親父母親對子女偏差行爲的影響。 本研究取自「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey TEPS)原始資料,並擷取其中的單親家庭的青少年作爲研究樣本,從性別、居住型態兩個角度分析青少年的偏差行爲。在統計分析方法上,包括次數分配、交叉分析、Pearson's r 相關係數、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及逐步迴歸分析方法,期能瞭解單親家庭青少年偏差行爲的產生原因。 研究結果顯示:在單親家庭當中,父母的管教對子女的偏差行爲是較無影響的,但親子問的衝突、父母親的支持則會影響偏差行爲的出現。另外,從權力控制的觀點,男性青少年較會反抗父母的監督,甚至產生親子衝突、最後造成偏差行爲的出現。 至於女性青少年對於父母的監督則爲順從,但與母親的衝突較爲嚴重,其亦是造成偏差行爲的最主要原因。如果從居住型態來看,不與子女同住的父親(或母親),通常是親子衝突的最大來源,也是青少年發生偏差行爲的最主要因素,這有可能是因爲未同住的父親(或母親),因爲喪失對孩子的控制權力,所以會更想要掌握子女的生活狀況,結果反而造成親子間的衝突,而親子衝突就成爲單親家庭青少年偏差行爲的最大來源。


In recent times, there are more and more single-parent families appearing in Taiwan, and previous research has already revealed that adolescents growing up in single-parent families tend to have more deviant behavior than others. The causes of this phenomenon, however, are seldom discussed, so this research attempts to discover these causes as well as analyze parental influence in such deviant behavior. Data for this study was procured from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). Single-parent teenagers were selected as the data sample, and a comparison was made between gender and living arrangement in order to understand the causes of teenagers' deviant behavior. The analysis methods used include frequency, cross table, Pearson's r, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation and stepwise regression. Our results indicate that in the single-parent family environment, parental monitoring of the teenagers' deviant behaviors is less effective, but the relationship of the conflict itself and the parents' method of support can instigate the appearance of deviant behavior. Moreover, from the power-control perspective the male adolescents will sometimes revolt against parents' monitoring, even producing a conflict relationship, which then leads to the appearance of deviant behavior. On the other hand, the female adolescents are typically more compliant with the parental monitoring than males, but they are far more prone to serious conflict with their mothers, which also tend to result in deviant behavior. Finally, parents who live outside the home were a major cause conflict, because he or she would feel a need to compensate for a lack of control (in not living with the teenagers) by exacting an even greater degree of control, which can cause very serious conflict with their children.


