A Study of Biomass Briquette Production potential in The Gambia, Taiwan New Bonafide Company as the best practice model for the Gambia to follow using SWOT analysis. The need for alternative sources of energy becomes a fast necessity against the backdrop of decreasing trends of availability of fuel wood and charcoal for cooking in the country and also high price of petroleum products. The world economy is dominated by technologies that rely on fossil fuel energy (petroleum, coal, and natural gas) to produce fuels, power, chemical and materials. While the use of conventional energy like oil, coal and electricity has grown enormously in the last half century. This heavy dependence on imported oil leads to economic and social uncertainties. Biomass have the ability to substituted for fuel and the conversion technologies are well developed which can transformed biomass to solid and liquid for heating, cooking and electricity generation. In the Gambia there is ample availability of biomass for efficient energy conversion and production of briquettes is both economic and financial viable and there’s no legislative barriers for the conversion biomass into briquette, currently the non participation of private individual or companies in the sector prevent it from reaching its full potential.