  • 學位論文


Fortune Cookie as Orientalist Simulacrum: An Analysis of Foreignized English as a Marker of America’s Middle Kingdom

指導教授 : 陳榮彬
共同指導教授 : 石岱崙(Darryl Sterk)




The fortune cookie can be viewed as a simulacrum—a putative copy without an original—that represents an American vision of “Chinese-ness.” As a domestic cultural artifact that masquerades as foreign, the fortune cookie embodies and reflects American attitudes towards China. It has been used at various times to “other” China by reifying exotic and orientalist tropes and at times to mock Chinese culture. As the icon further assimilated into mainstream American culture, it became increasingly detached from its supposed Chinese origins—not only heightening the irony behind its lasting Chinese associations but provoking an effort to reassert the exotic connotations of the cookie. The message within the medium is the fortune slip, which has evolved in dialogue with American orientations to China. The language used in fortune cookies reveals the orientalist ideologies underlying this unique cultural artifact, and translation in particular has played a pivotal role in the fortune cookie’s development. As I will argue, translation (or rather pseudo-translation and ungrammatical English) is integral to the fortune cookie’s “foreign” essence—imprinting its mark on the fortune cookie to the effect of reinforcing American stereotypes of China.


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Baudrillard, J. (1994). Simulacra and Simulation. (S. F. Glaser, Trans.) (14th Printing edition). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
