  • 學位論文


Exploration of Enterprise Development Opportunity Using Trends of Evolution--A case study of resturant chains

指導教授 : 施信佑


連鎖餐飲業目前已經在台灣掀起一股強大的消費熱潮,無論是星巴克、85度C及王品餐飲,它們除了在連鎖餐飲業中嶄露頭角外,更間接帶動了網路、觀光等相關產業的發展。因此,在這些成功的連鎖餐飲業中,近年來的競爭更是越來越激烈,它們是否在這持續競爭的產業當中找到持續發展的空間?以及它們所共同運用的競爭策略,是否仍有創新及發展的空間?以下將一一加以探討。 本研究是藉由系統性創新中的演化趨勢(Trends of Evolution)工具來作研究,演化趨勢是由最初的萃智學者發現的趨勢工具,以及在研究萃智中所發現新的趨勢技術,它是用來協助問題解決的工具,也是策略性的系統演化預測工具。本研究以演化階層趨勢圖來作三個個案分析,最後以最上層之整體演化趨勢圖,共26個演化趨勢,來對這三家連鎖餐飲業未來的發展作預測,並以上述三家連鎖餐飲業作相互比較,並提出建議,探討三者未來持續發展空間、重要競爭優勢,及在策略上有無創新發展之可能,最後以個案--王品餐飲以AHP問卷做專家訪談,找到其未來持續發展順序,並了解未來可能發展趨勢,最後以企業之品牌堅持和創新發展作討論,幫助企業及連鎖餐飲業在未來發展上的應用。


Restaurant chains have already raise a big consumption upsurge. Not only Starbucks , 85 Degrees Celsius, and Wang steak group are all emerge, but it also led the network, tourism and other related industries emerge indirectly. Thus, in recent years, restaurant chains competition are more and more intense. The accumulated successful strategies and operations are too numerous to be counted. However, are these mature enterprises at the end of their growth? “Trends of Evolution” is one of the problem solving tools in TRIZ. It not only can be utilized as a tool to help us to solve problems, but can also be used as a strategic prediction of system evolution. The current research utilizes Hierarchical Level of Evolution Potential Radar Plot to analyze three independent cases, ending at the top level with Evolution Potential Radar Plot - A total of 26 evolution trends. To predict the future development of these three franchises, to compare amongst the three and provide recommendations, exploring their future development space, critical competitive advantage, and the possibility of strategic innovation. It can help restaurant chains development in the future.At last, this thesis resorts to an individual case, it was AHP questionnaire of Wang steak to interview with experts in order to find out its order of constant development as well as to understand its tendency of possible development in the future. At the conclusion, I want to use the persistence of enterprise brand and the innovate development as the basis of discussion to help the enterprise and restaurant chains apply them to their future development accordingly.


1. 八十五度C全球網站,http://www.85cafe.com/。
2. 王品牛排網站,http://www.wangsteak.com.tw/。
3. 統一星巴克咖啡網站,http://www.starbucks.com.tw/home/index.jspx。
4. 吳政和(1996),餐飲連鎖經營之研究,餐飲管理研究學術會論文集,台北,


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