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The Effectiveness of Narrative-Oriented Picture book Group in Children with Emotionally Disturbed

Advisor : 王櫻芬


本研究旨在探討敘事取向繪本輔導團體,對於降低情緒困擾兒童的負向情緒經驗,及提升其情緒管理能力之立即與持續輔導效果。本研究採等組前後測及追蹤測量之準實驗設計研究,以臺北市某國小16位高年級的情緒困擾兒童為研究對象,將其分為實驗組與控制組。實驗組成員接受為期六週,每次50分鐘,每週兩次的實驗處理,控制組則不做處理。 兩組成員均於實驗處理前、後及實驗處理結束五週後,接受「國小學童生活情緒經驗調查問卷」及「國小學童情緒管理量表」的施測。所得的資料以SPSS for windows 23.0版套裝軟體進行曼惠二氏U檢定法,並輔以回饋單與團體結束後之個別訪談作為研究佐證與補充。茲將本研究之結果敍述如下: 一、 降低情緒困擾兒童的「負向情緒經驗」未具有立即性輔導效果。 二、 降低情緒困擾兒童的「負向情緒經驗」具有持續性輔導效果。 三、 提升情緒困擾兒童的「情緒管理能力」具有立即性及持續性輔導效果。 四、 從輔助性的資料分析可看出成員對團體活動和使用的繪本媒材滿意度高,且於團體中認真的投入創作屬於自己的小書,從而增進其對解構問題故事的積極性,並重寫出新的偏好故事。 最後,研究者根據研究結果加以分析討論,並對未來研究和實務工作提供具體建議,以供諮商與輔導之相關實務工作者及研究者加以參考與應用。

Parallel abstracts

The Effectiveness of Narrative-Oriented Picture book Group in Children with Emotionally Disturbed Yishuan Meiko Tsai Abstract This study is aimed to develop a narrative-oriented picture book group for the children with emotionally disturbed to reduce their negative emotional experience and improve their emotional management skills. This research is adopted equivalent pretest-posttest control group design of quasi-experimental design. The subjects are consisted sixteen children with emotionally disturbed on fifth or sixth-grand. The subjects are assigned into experimental group and control group. The experimental group is arranged to attend twelve sessions of narrative-oriented picture book group for six weeks. Meanwhile, the control group is on the country.All of the participants are arranged to receive the pretest, the posttest, and the follow-up test with “The Emotional Experiences Questionnaire for Elementary Children” and “The Emotional Management Scale for elementary children” to examine children’s performances. Collecting data is analyzed with Mann-Whitney Test. The major findings are concluded as follows: 1. There is no significant difference showed on “reducing negative emotional experience” at the end of the treatment. But there is a significant difference after five-weeks. 2. There is a significant difference showed on “improving emotional management skills ” at the end of the treatment and after five-weeks. v 3. Though the results of supplementary data, the members are satisfied with activities and the picture books. They not only involve in creating their own small books but also enhancing their enthusiasm for deconstructing the problem story and rewriting the preference story. In the end, the researcher based on the results to provide some specific suggestions for future researches and the relevant practical workers, so that they can reference and apply these advices in researching and counseling.


