  • 學位論文

工作壓力、工作與生活平衡及員工幸福感之相關研究 -以員工福利為調節變項

The Influence of Working Stress on Work Life Balance and Employee Well-being: Employee Benefit as a Moderator

指導教授 : 黃良志


近年來,工作壓力、工作與生活平衡及幸福感的研究都是全球相當熱門的話題。企業已逐漸開始重視員工幸福感所帶來的效益,規劃適合的員工福利,以創造幸福企業。 本研究主要目的在於探討科技業員工的工作壓力、工作與生活平衡及幸福感的關係,並由公司所提供的員工福利來探討其是否對工作與生活平衡及幸福感的關係造成影響。本研究以幸福感做為依變項,工作壓力為自變項,來分析工作與生活平衡的中介效果,並由員工福利對其之間的關係做調節效果分析。 本研究採紙本問卷調查進行資料蒐集,避免同一時間施測,較易產生共同方法變異而造成誤差,問卷分成兩階段進行發放,共計回收 238 份有效問卷。主要使用階層線性迴歸分析進行各項假設的驗證。 結果顯示,科技業員工的工作壓力對工作與生活平衡及幸福感有負向影響,而工作與生活平衡會對幸福感有正向影響,工作與生活平衡在工作壓力與幸福感 之間具有完全中介效果,員工福利對於幸福感雖有正向影響,但在工作壓力及工作與生活平衡之間並未產生干擾效果。最後,依據本研究結果,提出結論與建議供後續研究參考。


In recent years, the study of working stress, work-life balance and happiness have become one of the hottest issues worldwide. Companies began emphasize the employees’ cognition on happiness and tried to build the happiness enterprise by planning suitable employee benefits. This research study is to explore the relationship between working stress, work-life balance and happiness among technology industry employees. This research study uses working stress as the independent variable, happiness as the dependent variable, work-life balance as the mediating variable and employee benefits as the moderating variable for the analysis. This research study used paper questionnaire survey to collect data. To avoid the common method variance, the questionnaire is divided into two parts and collected 238 valid questionnaires in total. This research study uses hierarchical linear regression analysis as the main method to test the research hypotheses. The result showed that technology industry employees’ working stress has a negative effect to their work-life balance and work-life balance has a positive effect to their happiness. The work-life balance has significantly mediated effect between employees’ working stress and happiness. But, the employee benefits have no moderating effect to the relationship between their working stress and work-life balance. According the research results, the conclusions and suggestions of the study will be provided as a reference for further study.


高旭繁、陸洛(2011),工作壓力及其後果的組群差異:以OSI 模式為理論基礎之大樣本分析。台大管理論叢,22(1),239-272。
