觀察台灣出現南北差距問題的過程涉及「個人」與「社會」因素,國內多從經濟、社會、政治與政府等個別、單一與行為角度來探討,忽視民眾的主觀認知感受「重北輕南」無形的公民文化之分析。本研究擬以公民文化作為社會系統機制來回應南北差距現象,並從判斷分析觀點,採用價值觀面向與社會資本觀點,以社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)為研究方法,探討北高兩市民眾日常生活所呈現價值觀與社會責任程度,反映所在的社會結構,建立實證研究架構,作為未來研究之參考。本研究分析發現北高兩市民眾:在價值觀上呈現後物質主義(32%與21%)、物質主義(65%與72%)、混合型(3%與7%),在社會資本上呈現人際信任(44%與44%)、網路規則(27%與19%)、文化認知(29%與37%)的認知差異。顯示高雄市在現代社會中保有傳統社會之現象,相對地,台北市具有現代社會基礎提升到後現代社會之傾向。這種認知差異,將為南北差距問題關鍵之所在,如能掌握藉由經濟發展與公共事務管理教育的提升將有助於社會移轉考驗,化解南北差距問題現象。
For the issue on north-south gap includes in both individuality and society factor. From the aspects on economy, society, political, and government, a number of researchers studied to care about north-south gap. Little research focus on civil culture empirical comparison study. From the judgment aspects, the research employs the method of Social Judgment Theory, to investigate that Taipei and Kasohsiung citizen's value and social capital in the everyday life. The aim is to prove abstract concept on value and social copital, to provide the empirical of culture in the future study.The research findings that Taipei and Kasohsiung citizen's value priority weight are: post-materialist (32% vs21%), materialist (65% vs72%), mixed type (3% vs7%).social capital priority weight are: interpersonal trust (44% vs44%), network structure (27%vs19%), culture perception (29%vs37%). The results reflect that Kasohsiung city holds tradition society state; Taipei city owns modern society state. It keys to north-south gap problem, by the way on economy development and public affairs management education to pass the society shift test and resolve problem.