  • 期刊


The Effect of Taking an Affectionate Approach to Discharge Education in the Pediatric Ward


背景 2013年1至3月病童住院期間護理人員出院衛教執行率僅36.7%,且家屬對護理人員出院衛教滿意度僅47.1%,經現況分析發現主要問題為:缺乏標準作業流程、護理指導不一致、衛教工具不易瞭解以及主要照顧者無法有效學習所致。目的 本專案旨在將感動服務運用於兒科病房提升出院衛教之成效,使病童及家屬在住院中甚至是出院後都能感受到貼心的照護與服務。解決方案 藉由加強宣導、制定稽核制度、制定標準化流程、製作「感動服務卡」、「寶貝住院貼心手冊」、運用合適照顧者衛教方式及教材等各項措施介入。結果 專案措施介入後出院衛教執行率提升至100%,滿意度也提升至99.4%,顯示兒科病房出院衛教的品質及專案措施獲得良好成效。結論 本感動服務已納入病童出院標準流程,藉此可提升護理人員服務態度以及病童家屬滿意度,並彰顯醫院及護理人員的優質形象。


Background & Problems: From January to March 2013, only 36.7% of pediatric patients in our hospital were given health education by nurses and only 47.1% of patient families indicated feeling "good" about the health education that they had received. After analyzing the situation, we identified the following key issues: (1) Lack of an SOP; (2) Inconsistent nursing guidelines; (3) Difficulties in comprehending health education tools; and (4) Poor caregiver adoption of TPN skills. Purpose: Our aim was to apply "impressive service" at our pediatric department to improve the effect of post-discharge health education in order to enhance the quality of care received by patients and their families. Resolutions: A variety of measures were implemented to improve the satisfaction rate of post-discharge health education. These measures included: reinforcing advocacy during hospitalization, developing an SOP on health education and an auditing system, manufacturing an "Impressive Service Card" and a "Pamphlet for hospitalized children", and employing a health education method and leaflets that were beneficial to the caregiver. Results: The result of our practice increased the rate of health education to 100% and a rate of satisfaction of 99.4%. These significant improvements indicate that the "Impressive Service" program may be an effective strategy to improve the quality and effectiveness of post-discharge health education. Conclusions: This program was implemented as part of standard discharge procedures as a strategy to improve the attitudes of nursing staff, to enhance the satisfaction of pediatric patients and their family members, and the enhance the image of our hospital and nursing personnel.


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