  • 期刊

Objective-Oriented Strategies for International Furniture Market Participants



Manufacturers/exhibitors can utilize trade shows as a valuable marketing tool within the context of their promotion mix. Trade shows for the furniture industry, generally referres to as furniture markets, are especially important for the manufacturer-to-retailer transactions that are commonplace in the furniture industry. this paper begins by briefly presenting a model illustrating the fundamental interrelationships associated with a furniture manufacturer's furniture market objectives. Manufacturer/exhibitors should recognize that both selling and nonselling objectives for market attendance exist. This study also addresses how furniture market buyers/retailers utilize furniture markets. More than 1,200 furniture market buyers/ retailers responded to a nationwide (U.S.) survey conducted in late 1993/early 1994. Results indicate that retailers/buyers will have a variety of both buying and non-buying objectives. Specifically, retailers/buyers do not go to a market simply to place orders, but also have as objectives seeing new product introductions and actual product features. Moreover, respondents report varying interest levels from among six major United States furniture markets plus weekend and foreign markets. Implications are presented in terms of: 1) the recognition, formal development and integration of both selling and nonselling exhibitor objectives; 2) the relative importance of selling and nonselling retailer/buyer market objectives; 3) the timing of order placement by retailers/buyers relative to furniture markets; and 4) retailers'/buyers' selection of furniture markets to attand.




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