  • 期刊


Assessing Visitor Satisfaction of the Service Quality and Facilities in Xitou Nature Education Area


本研究藉由400份問卷調查遊客社經背景對於溪頭自然教育園區內服務品質、硬體設施與整體滿意度之間的關係,研究結果顯示:入園遊客以居住在中部附近縣市且個人收入為每月60,000元以下之40歲以上女性, 以具有高中以上學歷之退休或軍公教人員為主。又由於遊客的社經背景對服務品質、硬體設施與整體滿意度均具有顯著差異,由此顯示不同年齡層、職業、性別與教育程度均對於獲得的體驗需求及滿意程度均有差異;但整體而言,不同社經背景之遊客對於肯定溪頭內的各項服務品質及硬體設施之滿意度甚高。最後,期能藉此研究成果及經營管理建議提供做為溪頭自然教育園區於整體規劃與經營管理的參考。


This study analyzed 400 valid responses collected through questionnaire survey on evaluation of service quality and facilities by visitors to Xitou Nature Education Area. The aim was to explore the relationships between socioeconomic status (SES) of visitors and their satisfaction levels. Results showed that majority of visitors were female, aged above 40 years, with high-school education or above, retirees/military personnel/civil servants/teachers, earning less than NT$60,000/month, and living in counties neighboring Xitou in central Taiwan. Significant differences in satisfaction of service quality and facilities were observed among visitors of different SES. In other words, visitors of different gender, age groups, education level and occupations had different expectations, and hence, degrees of satisfaction regarding the services and facilities offered. These findings can serve as useful references for the management of Xitou Nature Education Area in planning and provision of amenities and services.
