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Effects of growing season and storage temperature on the quality and vase life of Vanda cut flower in Tainan


萬代蘭是臺灣重要之熱帶花卉,目前多作為切花外銷日本。本研究以臺南地區栽培之萬代蘭外銷品種Pachara Delight 'Blue'、Kulwadee Fragrance 'Black'為材料,以不同月份採收之切花進行模擬海運及瓶插壽命研究。結果顯示設施栽培之萬代蘭切花品質受到採收月份及貯運溫度影響顯著,冬季1~2月採收之切花花瓣較厚、低溫貯運後不會發生寒害、瓶插壽命亦較長。夏季採收之切花花瓣薄、低溫貯運後寒害率高、瓶插壽命短。兩參試品種中又以Pachara Delight 'Blue'切花品質較穩定,周年可低溫海運,適宜的貯運溫度為11℃。Kulwadee Fragrance 'Black'周年切花品質差異極大,夏季5~9月生產的切花對低溫敏感、貯運後寒害率高、瓶插壽命短不到7天,較適宜的貯運溫度為15℃。現有技術:萬代蘭周年均可生產切花外銷,但部分時期生產之切花貯運後會發生寒害,但影響寒害發生之栽培條件與貯運溫度尚不明確。創新內容:調查各月份生產切花之品質變化,以及經不同溫度模擬貯運後之寒害情形與瓶插壽命。對產業影響:釐清主要外銷品種切花周年品質變化及適當貯運溫度,供業者依產季調整貯運條件。


萬代蘭 切花 貯運 瓶插壽命 寒害


Vanda is an important tropical floral crop in Taiwan, and is exported to Japan as cut flowers. This study used Vanda Pachara Delight 'Blue' and Kulwadee Fragrance 'Black' grown in Tainan as research material. The cut flowers harvested in different months were stored at different simulated shipping temperature to investigate their vase life. Results showed that both harvested months and storage temperatures had significant effects on Vanda cut flowers vase life. The cut flowers harvested in winter (January and February) after simulated shipping had thicker petals, thicker sepals, lower chilling injury rate and longer vase life. The cut flower qualities of Pachara Delight 'Blue' were more stable, this cultivar could be exported by shipping all the year, and the proper transport temperature was at 11°C. On the other hand, there were significant differences in the Kulwadee Fragrance 'Black' cut flowers quality harvested in different months. The cut flowers harvested in summer (May to September) were not tolerant at 11°C of cold storage, they had high chilling injury rate and the vase life were shorter than 7 days. The proper transport temperature of this cultivar was at 15°C for Kulwadee Fragrance 'Black'. What is already known on this subject? The cut flowers of Vanda plants in Taiwan could be produced for export all year round. In some period, the cut flowers showed chilling injury in shipping. However, the proper growing condition and transport temperature haven't been studied. What are the new findings? We find out the effects of harvested time and transport temperatures on the cut flower chilling injury rate and vase life after simulated transport. What is the expected impact on this field? Clarify the all year round cut flower quality and proper transport temperature of two major exported vanda cultivars. These results could help the growers to regulate their transport conditions among seasons.


Vanda Cut flower Storage Transportation Vase life Chilling injury
