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The Community Empowerment of Taiwan and the Transformation of Museum Types A Case Study of the Baimi community


博物館與社區的議題可從博物館觀點,探討透過社區或民眾互動,增進博物館對公眾的「展示」與「教育」功能,以及從社區民眾的角度,分析運用博物館「蒐集」和「展示」地方文物,進行社區發展;也可從社區總體營造與社區博物館發展,重新理解博物館的概念與意義。 本文觀察白米社區總體營造與木屐館的發展,探究社區營造如何重新找尋地方文化資產,以及透過社區民眾參與的方式,累積地方文物「展演」能量,藉此對比博物館的展示功能,思索全球化時代博物館的變遷。 博物館間的互動與交流在全球化時空收斂下也已經大幅提升,今日博物館除了建築主體無法隨處移動,人、物件、知識都有可能在世界各地不同展覽館串流不息,任何珍貴典藏出現在臺灣某博物館展場已經不是新鮮事,思考如何將全世界典藏進行更有效的公開展示,成為當前博物館經營者必須面對的重要任務,「展演」逐漸成為觀眾主要指認與暫時「存有」博物館的印象來源。白米的社區總體營造以社區居民豐富的創造能力,透過民眾參與提升地方的產業、生態、環境與文化的社會價值,對內凝聚地方文化資本,對外振興地方文化產業,呈現與製造了巨大的博物館展演能量,其演化成博物館的過程比一般博物館要更加鮮活與真實。


This article discusses the issue of museums and community from their respective perspectives. It explores improving museums' functions of display and education via interaction with their publics. Whilst, from a community perspective, the utility of museums is analyzed on the basis of their functions of collecting and exhibiting local artifacts to accumulate cultural capital and conduct community development. Also examined is the concept of museum operation given the dynamic environment afforded by globalization, especially its influences on processes of community empowerment and community museum development. The article examines the development of the Baimi wooden shoe (clog) museum and community empowerment. The rediscovery of local cultural treasures from the practice of construction, and the desire to gather and display local cultural artifacts through community participation is investigated. The purpose of this investigation is to bring some saliency to a discussion on museum display functions and then consider these in the light of changes to a museum's functions in this global era. Interaction and exchange amongst museums have dramatically increased in the global era. Nowadays, except for its structure, a museum's contents, people, and knowledge are all readily transportable to museums worldwide. Whilst at one time the arrival of a foreign precious collection was greeted with a great deal of fanfare, these days such occurrences are more commonplace and seemingly less news worthy. This situation has led museums worldwide to try to better understand the management and attractiveness of their displays and the publics they serve. The dynamic environment that modern museums operate in means that the nature of exhibitions, and performances have become important themes for museums as they reach out to attact and create an impact on publics that are spoilt for choice. In examing the functions of a museum at a local level we note that Baimi community empowerment is based on the abundant creative abilities of community residents and a high level of community participation, which improves local industry, the natural environment and how their culture is valued. The value of a museum is this context leads to local cultural capital being concentrated internally whilst the local cultural industry is enhanced externally. The museum acts as a wellspring for community empowerment and its value intrinsically recognized.


