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  • OpenAccess


A Study on the Information System of Voluntary Service for National Taiwan Museum


自從政府大力推動志願服務以來,提供有心參與志願服務民眾更多的選擇。博物館除了以本身屬性的優勢吸引民眾加入志工之外,如何加強人力資源管理,落實管理制度,為積極發展志願服務的博物館必須面對的課題。本研究運用e化及網路化概念,提出一整合性志願服務管理系統架構,包含服務一般民眾及志工的前台網站,與後台志工管理系統。依據國立臺博館志工管理需求及資訊化目標,設計前台網站架構及後台志工管理系統功能,其目的為:1. 重塑志工申辦作業模式,精簡作業流程。2. 提供志工個人化的服務,減少流失率。3. 協助志工承辦人及志工幹部辦理各項業務,隨時查詢個案紀錄並進行報表統計。4. 加強訊息傳遞,促進團隊協同合作。5. 系統化累積志工隊營運經驗及檔案,成為持續發展的基礎。


People intending to be volunteers have more choice of the areas in which they wish to volunteer as a result of the government promoting a greater variety of options for voluntary service. To attract volunteers to the museum, we must not only rely on the intrinsic advantage s the museum has to offer potential volunteers, but also effective and efficient manpower resources. This would involve, implementation of a revised manpower management policy. This paper uses web-based technology to design an integrated system for voluntary service at the National Taiwan Museum. The system is composed of webs ites for the general population and volunteers, and a volunteer management system (VMS) for volunteer managers. The goal of this system is : 1) to desigen system work flow procedures to simplify the application process; 2) to satisfy the individual needs of volunteers to improve their commitment to the museum; 3) to help volunteer managers to handle their business so that they can retrieve volunteers' data and generate reports in an efficient way; 4) to improve message delivering and the collaboration of volunteers; and 5) to accumulate the knowledge and experience of volunteers systematically for future development of the program.


