  • 學位論文


The Study of the Mechanism of Hospital Voluteer Management- the Examples of National Taiwan University Hospital and Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

指導教授 : 陳金貴


本研究以最早將志願服務理念啟蒙實際落實在醫院的台大醫院以及我國醫院志願服務團隊最早起源的長庚醫院(林口分院),以這兩家醫院的志工督導與志工幹部作為主要的研究對象,以文獻資料分析法以及深度訪談的方式以檢視目前這兩家醫院的志工管理機制中志工的晉用與養成之現況以及探討兩家醫院志工晉用與養成之異同,並加以區分與比較台大醫院以及長庚醫院的志工管理機制之運用,並針對可能出現的問題提出建議與改善方案,以作為全國其他層級醫療院所實施志工管理之參考。 壹、研究問題 一、檢視台大醫院以及長庚醫院的志工管理機制中志工晉用、養成以 及效益為何﹖ 二、檢視台大醫院與長庚醫院志工管理機制中志工晉用與養成的標準 作業流程是否不同﹖ 三、分析醫院志工管理機制中志工晉用與養成可能產生哪些問題及如 何解決問題? 貳、研究目的 一、瞭解台大醫院以及長庚醫院的志工管理機制中志工晉用與養成以 及效益的運作情形。 二、區分與比較台大醫院與長庚醫院志工管理機制中志工晉用與養成 的標準作業流程。 三、發掘並解決醫院志工管理機制中志工晉用與養成可能產生的問 題。 參、研究建議 一、對志工的整體性建議 (一)應以最初發心,單純服務以及熱心助人的動機來服務民眾,不 應有目的性的要求回饋或是報酬,也不應有計較與比較心態來 服務。 (二)提升志工出勤穩定度以及上課意願。 (三)志工服務態度應由被動轉為主動。 (四)積極構思服務新創意。 (五)建立交班制度。 二、對志工督導的整體性建議 (一)志工幹部皆希望能採取定期招募模式,並且確實進行志工督導 與志工幹部共同面談新進志工的招募流程。 (二)台大醫院晉用志工條件門檻過於嚴格,應該向長庚醫院效法, 調查其服務的動機並經過面談審查過即可參加志工行列。 (三)教育訓練學習方式應該因人而異,對於高齡志工的教育訓練宜 以面授課程為主;年輕的志工則可多鼓勵線上學習。 (四)開放創意空間留言板或空間,讓志工的創意得以無限發揮。 三、對醫院政策的整體性的建議 (一)充份授權志工幹部自主性管理。 (二)志工不能替代正式人力。 (三)要能尊重志工,時時以同理心對待之。 (四)廢止繳交良民證的制度。 (五)提供可近性與可用性的軟硬體設備。 (六)針對不同年齡層的志工教育訓練的方式分別採取面授或電腦線 上學習以增強其上課意 願。 (七)分隊上課優於全院性的上課來得有效。 (八)積極參與政府主管機關所舉辦的績優志工選拔活動,以建立並 增加志工凝聚力與榮譽感。 (九)開放建言管道空間,並鼓勵志工自由發揮。


The study is focused on the difference of the mechanism on hospital volunteer’s management.( Take the examples of National Taiwan University of Hospital-the first hospital to implement exactly volunteer service and the Chang Gung Memorial Hospita(-Linkou Branch Courtyard area- the earliest volunteer team in the hospitals.) The objectives of this study are volunteer supervisors and volunteers. By comparing and by examining the current status of hospital volunteer’s management of these two hospitals, we used an approach of the in –depth interview and a methodology of literature data analysis. We proposed some improvements and recommendation as a reference to other levels of hospitals. Study Problems To examine the effectiveness of volunteer mangament on recruiting, training and promotion . To examine the variation of SOP of volunteer’s management on recruiting, training and promotion. To come up with the solution by analyzing the problems of volunteer’s management on recruiting, training and promotion. Study Objectives To understand the operation and the effectiveness of volunteer’s management of these two hospitals on recruiting, training and promotion. To differentiate SOP of volunteer’s management of these two hospitals on recruiting, training and promotion. To explore the problems and to propose the solution to volunteer’s management of these two hospitals on recruiting, training and promotion. Recommendation To Volunteer To serve people with the initially a vow-made of a simple heart and with the motive of warm-heartedness. It should not serving people with asking for any return or any feedback, or with the attitude of fussy. To enhance the stability and the willingness of attendances To covert a passive attitude into an active one To constuct creative service plans aggressively To establish the policy of working-time shift To Supervisors To executive accurately and regularly the process of the interviewed recruitment via the management levels or carder memebers and volunteers together The requirement of promotion to volunteers of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH )is much stricter than that of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. NTUH could take a model of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital’s volunteer review system. The qualification of volunteer is accepted as completing the process of survey and the review of interview to service motives. Training and Education should be flexible. It should be appropriate to encourage the elderly age of volunteers’ learning by correspondence curriculums and to the young age of volunteers learning on-line. To open freely and creatively a message board or space in order for the unlimitedly development of creation to volunteers To Hospital To fully empower independent management of volunteer managerial levels or cadre members. To have a perspective that volunteer cannot replaced by permanent staffs To respect and to treat volunteers with empathy To abolish the policy of police clearance certificate To provide accessible and useable soft hardware facilities To enhance the willingness of attendance by taking measures of correspondence curriculum or on-line learning on different age levels of volunteers Team teaching is much more effective than the overall teaching




