  • 期刊


Effects of Palliative Care Educational Program on Nurses' Knowledge and Attitude


探討腫瘤病房護理人員接受緩和療護教育方案對知識與態度之成效。為類實驗性設計,採方便取樣,研究對象為中部某醫學中心之腫瘤護理人員共49位。二組皆接受「安寧入門-醫療專業人員自學教材」之DVD教學為期六週共10.5小時,實驗組在每次DVD教學後另接受針對影片內容設計之臨床情境,進行案例討論、角色扮演或經驗分享等共6小時,合計共16.5小時。研究工具包括「安寧緩和照顧知識量表」、「癌末照顧倫理情境」、「對安寧緩和醫療之態度」,分別於介入前、介入後進行資料收集。以Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test及GEE資料分析與檢驗,在控制年齡及安寧訓練變項後,發現緩和療護知識有增加(B=1.2, p<.05),正向態度也顯著提升(B=0.23, p<.05),負向態度也明顯改善(B=-1.00, p<.001),唯倫理認同度並無差異。建議在新進人員訓練階段及年度在職教育規劃合適的緩和療護教育課程,以提升照護品質。


This study evaluated the effects of a palliative care educational program on the knowledge and attitude of nurses. This study had a quasiexperimental design. Twenty-two nurses were enrolled in a 5-week course of the Palliative Care Program (PCP) at the oncology ward of a medical center in Taichung. Another 27 nurses served as the control group. The following questionnaires were constructed: The Palliative Care Quiz for Nursing (PCQN) Scale and the attitude of palliative care and agreement to palliative ethical issues scale; these were used to measure nurses' knowledge and attitude toward ethical dilemmas. A wilcoxon signed ranks test and generalized estimating equations (GEEs) were used to examine the effect of the PCP on the nurses' knowledge of and attitude toward ethical issues related to palliative care in patients with terminal illness. The results showed that the PCP improved the knowledge (B=1.2, p< .05) and attitude (positive attitude B=0.23, p< .05; negative attitude B= -1.00, p< .001) toward palliative care in oncology nurses. Then there is no difference in ethical dilemmas. It is recommended to plan appropriate palliative care educational courses in the training stage of new nursing staff and annual in-service education to improve the quality of care.


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