  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study on the Constitutionality of Child Care by Contract between parents and the government




For the full and harmonious development of personality, children should grow up in a family environment. However, wenn parents are unable to keep a family functioning, especially bearing and rearing children, the public power must intervent according to the guarantee of basical rights, including parental rights and duties and childrens right to family life. For thie intervention of the public power there are various options. As utima ration is the child-care system, because children sind separated from their own familes. According to The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act ist application of the child care not only based on decisions of the government, but also by contracts between parents and the government. For this possibility legislative discretion should not be avoided just because it is not against parent's will. Based on the relevant theory developed by constitutional interpretation, the thesis is intended to analyzes the boundaries of child care by contracts.


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