  • 期刊


Tibetans on Tibet: Tibetan Perception of Tibet in the Republican Era




In comparison with the numerous studies on the Western perception of Tibet in Western academic circles, there are fewer studies to explore the Chinese perception of Tibet. In the Republican Era a great deal of writings about ethnic minorities and borderland, including Tibet, were published. Authors of these works on Tibet issues are not only Han Chinese, but also those Tibetans who at that time lived in China proper. This paper examines what perception of Tibet were presented to Chinese by analysing the contents of periodicals founded by the ninth Panchen Lama and the writings of Tibetans.Due to the resistance to Dalai Lama and Tibetan government, Panchen and Khampas claimed the Khams [Xikang] does not belong to Tibet in Xikang-Tibetan border conflicts, which is the only thing that Tibetans living in China proper agreed with Chinese. On the other side, to stand against the Xikang warlord Liu Wenhui, Khampas referred to the political discourse insisted by Chinese and declared the slogan of Khampa Autonomy [Khams ruled by Khampas]. Chinese appealed to Tibetans' support of ”the Chinese people” [zhonghuaminzu] and claimed to sovereignty over Tibet. In response Tibetans brought forward the ”Republic of the Five Races” [Wuzugonghe] and priest and patron relationship. In spite of having been received the ideology of modernization of the ”Three Principles of the People” [Sanminzhuyi], Tibetans did not agree with Chinese critique of their being uncivil and reacted against the racial and religious prejudice from Chinese. However, the voices of Tibetans themselves were faint though Tibetans living in China proper have provided different views of Tibet to Chinese. Tibetans' own expression about Tibet in English and Chinese were diluted in translation, and were subordinated to the Tibet in Chinese and Western imagination.


《張蔭棠駐藏奏稿》,收入:吳豐培編輯,《清代藏事奏牘》,下 冊,《西藏學漢文文獻匯刻》,第三輯,北京:中國藏學出版 社,1994。
中國藏學研究中心、中國第二歷史檔案館合編,《九世班禪內地活 動及返藏受阻檔案選編》,北京:中國藏學出版社,1992。
秦孝儀主編,《總統蔣公思想言論總集》,第21 冊,臺北:中央文 物供應社,1984。
廣東省社會科學院歷史研究室、中國社會科學院近代史研究所中 華民國史研究室、中山大學歷史系孫中山硏究室合編,《孫中 山全集》,第2 卷、第5 卷,北京:中華書局,2006.1,第2 版。
