  • 期刊

一突變矮稻之顏色性狀及其他性狀之遺傳稻之遺傳因子分析 第十報

The Inheritance of Coloration and Some Other Characters of an Induced Dwarf Mutant Genic Analysis in Rice, Ⅹ


D-155-8是臺中155號放射線誘變而得之突變矮稻,稃尖無色、葉細、深綠色、有葉舌、矮(高約70cm)。謝(1962)將此矮性因子訂爲d9,Chang和Jodon(1963)統一改定爲d31。在D-155-8×T201等7組合之分析中,得知此D-155-8親木稃尖和柱頭顏色之因子爲C(上标 BP) a P Ps1 I-Ps1。同時得知,柱頭著色爲稃尖著色因子之下位,此點和Nagao及Takahashi等之報告相同。同時柱頭色之分離,較稃尖色複什。除與前人報告相同者外,並發現一新的分離現象(13有色:3無色)。 至於矮性因子(d31)、細葉(nal)、石炭酸反應因子(Ph)、無葉舌因子(lg)、密穗因子(Dn)、向地性(la),莖葉脆性(bc)、等性狀本研究中發現均受一對遺傳因子所支配。而另在運鎖研究中發現,矮性因子(d31)、紫穎色因子(Pr)、紫色柱頭因子(Ps2)、石炭酸反應因子(Ph)及無葉舌因子(lg)與細葉因子(nal)間等均有明顯的連鎖關係。且這些因子均屬於Nagao之第二染色體連鎖韋。但細葉因子(nal)却和稃尖因子(C)、矮性因子(7245-d)、密穗因子(Dn)、莖葉脆性(bc)及向地性因子(La)等因子相互獨立。




D-155-8, an X-ray induced dwarf mutant from Taichung no. 155, is measured about 70cm in height at maturity, and the leaves being narrow and dark green in color. This strain was crossed with three gene markers of rice and five cultivated varieties. This paper, therefore, dealt mainly with the inheritance of the pigmentation and some morphological characters of those crosses. The inheritance of dwarfness (d), narrow leaf (nal), phenol reaction (Ph), ligulelessness (lg), dense panicle (Dn), laziness (la), and brittle culm (bc) characters was controlled by single gene, respectively. These results were consistent to earlier workers (Nagao 1951, Nagao and Takahashi 1960, Hsieh 1962). The inheritance of pigmentation on apiculus, four out of six crosses, are controlled by two complementary genes, the others are controlled by single gene. Same genes controlled the inheritance of stigma coloration in most cases, but a new mode of segregation ratio of 13 colored to 3 colorless on stigma coloration was also observed and dissussecd in this study. Therefore, the genotype of D-155-8 on apiculus and stigma coloration was postulated as CCaaPPPs1Ps1Ps2Ps2I-Ps1 I-Ps1. The linkage relationships between combined characters was estimated. The recombination value was 3.95±0.14% between purple stigma and purple hull, and that of 38.31±7.36% between phenol reaction and stigma coloration. The other linkage intensities between combined characters were ranged from 13.89% to 38.10% in six other pairs, as shown in Table 5.


