  • 期刊

A Systematical Study of Insecticide Residues on Vegetables Ⅰ. The Influences of Plant Varieties on the Deposition and Dissipation of Insecticides

蔬菜農藥殘留問題之研究 Ⅰ.蔬菜性狀對農藥粘着及消退之影響


臺灣省農業試驗所農藥研究室針對蔬菜易於發生農藥殘留之問題,進行此一系統研究與分析,此文爲第一部分研究結果,乃就24種蔬菜之性狀及施藥後著藥量多少,消退快慢進行分析。研究對象之24種蔬菜包含小葉菜,大葉菜(含包葉菜),豆菜及茄,甜椒,瓜等,測定項自包含與各種蔬菜着藥量有重要關係之表面積與質量比(SMR),全部著藥量(total residue),單位表面著藥量(SDR),成株重量等,全部資料可用於將來成立系統分析所需。試驗時又設定甘藍菜之各項數據爲標準,而換算其他各種蔬菜之各項數值,成爲相對表面積與質量比(r-SMR),相對著藥量(r-residue)及相對單位表面著藥量(r-SDR),易於判定各項因子之大小與特質(以上資料均詳列於表四與表五之中)。試驗結果證實SMR值與着藥量成正比,再由SDR偏高之蔬菜中,可看出其性狀及表面構造有某些特點有利於聚集藥液,如茄子表面光滑,而其SDR值亦低,甜椒表面光滑,但其SDR值最高,原因在於甜椒果柄部分之周圍有一環狀之凹陷,在施藥後可聚集3~6 cc.的藥液,而大幅提高其SDR值。詳細分析全部資料可檢出降低或提高農藥殘留問題之植物性狀因子,供以後育種參考之用。隨植株之成長,SDR值亦因而降低,原因可能係植物之幼莖幼葉多毛並常卷曲,而易於聚凝藥液,從而導致單位表面積之粘着量昇高。 就殘量之消退而言,其速率隨不同殺蟲劑之配方,主成分之理化性狀而有差異。本試驗中陶氏松(chlorpyrifos)之殘量消退速率即較加保利(carbaryl)爲快,而包葉菜的緊密構造易於保護殘留於內部之藥液,因而降低其分解速率,由此可見在蔬某殘留農藥問題上,植物本身性狀是一項重要的決定因子,可大幅影響其對農藥之粘着及消退之速率。




The after-spray deposition of insecticides on twenty-four different vegetables were compared and analyzed in regard to the morphological characteristics of plants at different growing stages. The total amount of insecticide deposited on plants is directly related to the surface-to-mass ratio (SMR) of that plant. The surface deposition rate of insecticide (SDR) has been calculated for all tested vegetables. Several exceptional high SDR vegetables due to their special plant configurations were detected in this stu1y. The rate of insecticide dissipation depends on the nature of insecticide and the influence of environmental factors as well as the plant structure. Tighter-structured vegetables tend to prevent the insecticide residues from the outside impacts and thus slow down the dissipation so as to leave more residues on marketable-size vegetables. The dissipation patterns of same insecticide on six different small leafy vegetables were very similar and with only minor differences among them.


