  • 期刊

湖北貝母組織培養之研究 Ⅰ.不同來源培植體誘導鱗片及胚狀化癒合組織之形成

Studies on the Tissue Culture of Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia Ⅰ. The Induction of Bulbscale and Embryogenic Callus from Different Source Explants


貝母首載于神農本草經,列入草部中品,歷代諸家本草均有著錄。湖北貝母為百合科多年生草本植物,多以地下鱗莖入藥,為重要且廣泛使用的中藥,歷年來多採用傳統之鱗莖無性繁殖,但繁殖係數與産量皆低,故常有藥源短缺,不敷醫療所需之虞,為求改善此一問題,本研究乃進行湖北貝母組織培養,期能大量繁殖種苗,縮短生育週期,以供應國人藥用之需。結果顯示,將湖北貝母之葉片、莖段基部、鱗片及芽球相似體(Protocorm-like-body, PLB)等四種培植體,培養於含MS基本鹽類並添加0.5mg/l BA之培養基中60天,鱗片培植體可穫得54.7%再生鱗片誘導率最佳,且褐化死亡率較少;但每個培植體形成新鱗片數目則以莖段基部平均5.6個最佳,擬胚化癒合組織之誘導則以PLB及莖段基部的36.1%及30.6%較佳。另將鱗片和莖段基部培植體培養於添加0.5mg/l BA配合0.25-4.0mg/l NAA的培養基中,則分別有62-78%及68-72%的再生鱗片誘導率,顯示鱗片和莖段基部可能較適於鱗片再生。此外,培植體和新根系之誘導也以莖段其部培植體培養於含0.5mg/l BA和4.0mg/l NAA之MS培養基較佳。


Bei-mu was first recorded in Shen-Nung-Pen-Ts'ao-Ching under the middle herb catogory and was recorded in successive Pen-ts'aos of the descending dynasties. It has been used as anti tissue and expectorant for the care of coughing and the prevention of phlegm formation. As the amount of bulb collected from naturally-grown and traditionally-cultured plants is far from enough for medicinal demand, tissue culture method of mass propagation was therefore studied. For the comparison on the efficiency of new bulbscale production among various explants cultured on solid medium containing MS basic salts and 0.5 mg/l BA concentration for 60 days, bulbscale explant showed the highest percentage (54.7%) followed by stem base, protocorm-like-body (PLB), and leaf blade. On the contrary, the order of browning percentage during the culturing period was reversed for the four explants. The stem base explant could produce the highest number of bulbscale (5.6 per culture). The induction percentages of embryogenic callus were higher for PLB and stem base (36.1% & 30.6%, respectively). Addition of 0.5 mg/l BA and 0.25-4 mg/l NAA to the MS medium resulted in increased efficiency of bulbscale formation, e.g., from 68-72% for stem base explant and 62-78%for bulbscale explant. NAA in the concentration range of 4 mg/l could also promote the rooting ability and embryogenic callus formation of the explants.


