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Analysis of the Competitiveness of the Eel Aquaculture Industries in Taiwan and China



鰻魚為台灣最重要的淡水養殖魚種之一,平均有半數以上的鰻魚產出外銷至日本,准近十年來,由於國內鰻苗來源短缺、水資源不足,以及大陸地區鰻魚產業快速發展之競爭,使得國內鰻魚產業面臨極大的挑戰。而在國際化及貿易自由化的趨勢下,台灣鰻魚產業是否仍具有國際競爭力,深受業界關注,因此針對台灣及主要競爭對手國中國間之產業競爭力分析,確有其必要性。比較利益分析法已廣泛應用於農產品之競爭力分析,但由於統計資料取得不易,很少應用於漁產品之分析。本文以比較利益為原則,建立「國內資源利用效率指標」及「社會淨收益指標」,用以衡量兩國鰻魚產業比較利益之變動情況。研究結果顯示,台灣鰻魚生產之私人淨收益自 1990 年起,除 1999 年以外,皆低於大陸地區。以國內資源成本(Domestic Resource Cost, DRC)理論來看, 1993 年以前台灣鰻魚產業仍較中國具有比較利益,但自 1994 年以後,台灣鰻魚產業已處於相對不利的地位,中國鰻魚之比較利益程度明顯超越台灣,此點可以從中國在日本鰻魚消費市場佔有率,自 1994、年起即超越台灣可為明證,尤其在兩岸均加入世界貿易組織(WTO)以後,若中國大陸鰻魚可輸入台灣,欲維護台灣鰻魚產業發展之生機。如何確保國內消費市場並透過產品品質差異作有效率的市場區隔,實為當務之急。


It is very important to realize the competitiveness of the Taiwanese eel aquaculture industry in the world market because of the fierce competition coming from the other side of the Taiwan Strait. The method of competitive analysis has been widely used in agricultural commodities. However, this approach is seldom used to investigate the aquacultural commodities because of the difficulty to collect relevant data. Set forth on the concepts of opportunity cost and competitive advantage, the index of domestic resource cost was used to investigate the change of competitiveness of the eel industry on the opposite sides of the Taiwan Strait. Our results show that, except in 1999, the Net Social Prof it ability (NSP) of the Taiwanese eel industry is lower than that in China since 1993. According to the theory of Domestic Resource Cost (DRC), the Taiwanese eel aquaculture industry maintained its competitiveness until 1993, but lost its position to China since 1994. Moreover, it is worth to mention that after joining the WTO, China may export eel to Taiwan; under this circumstance, our domestic market may be confronted with unprecedented challenges. To sustain the development of the Taiwanese eel aquaculture industry, some deeper thoughts on this issue should be prepared for the future challenges.
