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An Analysis of Wang-An Island Eco-tourism and Its Sustainable Management



近年來,由於實施週休二日制度及交通運輸工具的便利,國人的旅行機會逐年增加,島嶼生態旅遊也隨之發展起來。其中,澎湖群島中的望安島,是遊客嚮往旅遊的選擇地區之一。本文旨在探討望安島上海龜生態保護區的遊憩價值及其永續管理,研究及調查期間是從2002年至2003年。我們使用條件評估法(Contingent valuation method)及旅遊成本法(Travel cost method)來研究遊客的行為,並分析望安居民對於成立綠蠵龜生態保護區的反映。另外,透過深入訪談剖析遊客、政商、學界、及意見領袖等意見,分析望安成立綠蠵龜生態保護區的優劣形勢、發展機會與威脅因子,並綜合經營管理的正負決定性因素,建立一社區永續發展生態旅遊的決策模型,作為未來島嶼或社區發展生態旅遊的決策參考。


With the expansion of public transport, car ownership, outbound travel, nature-based eco-tourism, and the adoption of the five-day work week, marine and island eco-tourism are expected to have a promising future; however fundamental preparation and management planning is needed to ensure this. This study examines the feasibility of developing Wang-An Island of the Pescadores archipelago as an eco-tourism site. Surveys of both on-site travelers and local residents were carried out in years of 2002 and 2003. Contingent valuation a travel cost methods were used to estimate the recreational value, analyze tourist behavior and residents' willingness-to-pay for preserving Wang-An Island. The SWOT method was used to identify positive and negative crucial factors related to the development, operation and management of eco-tourism on the Island. Finally, a community-based eco-tourism model was developed to provide a decision support mechanism for a sustainable island eco-tourism industry. Results of this research provide insights on policies and management for developing eco-tourism on other ocean islands.
