  • 期刊


Effects of Vacuum Sintering and Hot Isostatic Pressing Processes on the Microstructure and Properties of Cr50Cu50 Alloy Targets


以往純金屬與合金靶材通常以熔煉鑄造方式製作,然而鉻銅合金靶材以熔煉方式製造時容易產生成分偏析、微結構不均勻與多孔性等缺陷,即使後續經熱處理或熱加工亦無法將缺陷完全去除。因此,本研究利用粉末冶金之真空燒結(Vacuum Sintering)及熱均壓(HIP)的方式製備鉻銅合金靶材,並藉由進行一系列的實驗測試,以探討不同粉末冶金製程對鉻銅合金靶材性質之影響。實驗結果顯示,Cr50Cu50真空燒結靶材再經過1050℃ 175 MPa 4 hours熱均壓處理後,相對密度可達到99.42 %,視孔隙率降低至0.54 %,此一結果顯示利用熱均壓處理能有效消除靶材內部封閉孔隙,並獲得高緻密度與高性質之鉻銅合金靶材。


Pure metal and alloy targets were usually made by melting and casting methods. The Cr-Cu alloy targets often have ingredient segregation, non-uniform microstructure and porosity defects. Subsequent heat treatment and hot-working process cannot fully eliminate defects. In this study, we produced the Cr-Cu alloy targets via vacuum sintering and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of powder metallurgy. We performed a series of experimental tests to determine the characteristics and effects of different powder metallurgy processes on the Cr-Cu alloy targets. The experimental results show that the relative density of Cr50Cu50 vacuum sintering targets can reach 99.42 %, and apparent porosity 0.54 % after 1050℃ 175 MPa HIP treatments for 4 h. It shows that HIP treatments can be used to obtain the high density and high quality Cr-Cu alloy targets while eliminating the closed pores.


Cr-Cu alloy targets Vacuum Sintering HIP


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