  • 期刊


Red Blossom on the Plain: An Inquisition of the Utopian Writing in Li Peifu's "The Gate for Sheep"




The circulation of The Gate for Sheep 羊的門, written by Li Peifu 李佩甫, was immediately halted through political intervention after its publication in 1999. Perhaps this is the reason why there have not been comprehensive analyses about the artistic image of Hu Jiabao 呼家堡 village from the perspective of Utopian Writing, nor have there been investigations about how the novel relates to Chinese history, despite the short-lived popularity of the novel. This article first analyzes the relationship of Hu Jiabao village with Utopia, Maoist Utopianism, and New Collectivism. Then it investigates the leadership image of Hu Tiancheng 呼天成, as well as the relationship between leaders and the public, which explains the unique meaning of his character in the new era of Chinese literature and the long-existing expectation that Chinese peasants had for a ”savior.” Finally, the meaning of the Utopian writing in The Gate for Sheep is investigated-Hu Jiabao village is an escape route for peasants throughout history, and the novel expresses the criticisms and reflections of the writer toward Chinese society.


〈中華人民共和國國家統計局關於1986 年國民經濟和社會發展的統計公報〉,http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15380.htm,2011 年12 月8 日下載。
〈今日南街村〉,《中國改革報.世紀風》(北京),2000 年11 月14 日,版8。
〈《共和國作家文庫》首推80 部〉,《光明日報.讀書》(北京),2009 年10 月21 日,版12。
〈奉行共產衣食無憂〉,《明報.中國》(香港),2004 年2 月27 日,版A25。
