  • 期刊

Influence of Yogic Practices and Aerobic Exercises on Serum Protein Level


The purpose of the study was to find out the relative influence of yogic practices and aerobic exercises on serum protein level. Forty five players from Thiru.Vi.Ka. Govt. Arts College, Tiruvarur, were randomly selected as subjects. The subjects were divided equally into three groups namely control group, aerobic exercise group and yogic practices group. The aerobic exercise group and yogic practices group underwent selected aerobic exercises and yogic practices respectively. The experimental period was 12 weeks, six days a week, 40 minutes per day. But the control group was not given any sort of special training. The criterion measure selected for this study was serum protein level and it was tested before and after the experimental period. The initial and final scores of all three groups were obtained. To find out the significant mean differences, the analysis of co-variance statistical technique was employed. Further the scheffe's post-hoc test was used to identify which group has shown better. The training effect of yogic practices and aerobic exercises evidenced significant influence over the serum protein level. When compared, the yogic practices group had better impact than aerobic exercise group.


Yoga Aerobic Serum Protein
