

Introduction: Neurilemmomas, also referred to as schwannomas or neurinomas, are benign encapsulated nerve sheath tumors composed of Schwann cells. Neurilemmomas arise when proliferating schwann cells form a tumor mass of unknown etiology encompassing motor and sensory peripheral nerves. We report a rare case of neurilemmoma over the ventral surface of the tongue. Case Report: A 15-yearold child came to our Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Govt. Dental College, Kozhikode complains of swelling over ventral surface of tongue since two years. The lesion was freely moveable and asymptomatic. Clinically, the lesion appeared to be a benign soft tissue neoplasm. Excisional biopsy of the lesion was done under local anesthesia and tissue was sent for histopathological examination. Diagnosis is made by histological examination of the lesion. The treatment is surgical excision of the lesion. They do not show recurrence after complete excision. Conclusion: As neurilemmoma is a benign neoplasm, surgical excision is the treatment of choice. The prognosis of neurilemmoma is usually excellent after adequate excision. This case showed no recurrence after the treatment and malignant transformation of a previously benign neurilemmoma is exceedingly rare.


Neurilemmoma Tongue Oral cavity Schwannoma
