  • 期刊


Study on the Weatherability of Wood Finishes-The Weatherability and Lightfastness of Coatings Applied on Wood Surface (Ⅱ)



本試驗選用廠商常用之環氧樹脂塗料及聚胺基甲酸酯塗料,針對此類木材用塗料之天候劣化及光劣化進行探討,進而評估塗料之耐候性質。 經戶外曝露112天及室內人工加速劣化64天後,由塗膜性質分析、比較結果顯示: l.塗膜戶外曝露與室內加速劣化之測試趨勢相近,而戶外曝露處理之塗膜劣化趨勢較為平緩。 2.試驗中採用之聚胺基甲酸酯塗料之耐光性稍優於環氧樹脂塗膜。 3.木材用白色塗料黃化程度較透明塗膜輕微,然白色塗膜之光澤度衰減則較舉重。 4.藉塗膜接觸角之經時變化以評估塗膜抗濕潤性能可知,除透明聚胺基甲酸酯塗膜外,環氧樹脂塗膜之抗濕潤性能略優於聚胺基甲酸酯塗膜。


The main purpose of this study is comparing the weatherability and lightfastness of coatings applied en weed surface. Commercial used coatings include several kinds of epoxy resin coatings and PU coatings were examined in this experiment. After exposure to the outdoors far 112 days sad UV light accelerated aging chamber for 64 days, changes in the coating properties including ruler diff or-coon, brightness retention, glees, and contact angle arc examincd. The experimental results are as fallow: 1. The trends of coatings deterioration from outdoors weathering and UV tight accelerated aging are simillar, the treads of UV tight accelerated aging are mare distinct. 2. Experimental results are shown: the photo-degradation of PU coatings are tees than epoxy rosin coatings, which the experiment used. 3. The yellowing degree of white PU coatings are slighter then clear coatings, but mare serious on the grass deterioration. 4. Ta estimate the wettability of coatings by examinning the contact eagle, the following results nun be obtained: crony resin coatings which used in this experiment ere better than PU ranting.
