  • 期刊

A Theoretical Analysis of the Diaoyu Islands Disputes from the Perspective of Pure Theory of Law


The current study attempts to analyze the issue of the Diaoyu Islands based on relevant historical facts according the methods of scholars of the Vienna School of Jurisprudence, as represented by Hans Kelsen, originator of the Pure Theory of Law. Although leading scholars of the Vienna School of Jurisprudence, represented by Kelsen did not experienced disputing the issue, Kelsen dealt with the case both directly in the material sense and indirectly in the formal sense, as well as in an abstract way. After a preliminary application of the Pure Theory of Law to a legal analysis of the case, it can be concluded that the Diaoyu Islands ought not belong to Japan. This shows that there is, to some extent, a backward-glancing aspect to Kelsenian theory. Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law may help us reach a further abstract understanding of human interaction in this ”world village” as it evolves into Kelsen's ideal of a ”world state” showing a forward-looking aspect of Pure Theory of Law.


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