  • 期刊


An Examination of the Text of Zhuang Zi "Chun Qiu Rule the World, Confucius Discuss the Idea of the Former Generation Sages without Arguing"




《莊子》 春秋


In terms of the text of Zhuang Zi, "Chun Qiu rule the world, Confucius discusses the idea of the former generation sages without arguing", there are two main points of view on the understanding of "Chun Qiu": one is that it means "times"; the other is that it means Spring and Autumn Annals, which is a historical book but not written by Confucius. Unlike traditional Zhuang Xue scholars, scholars of Chun Qiu believe that "Chun Qiu" does not refer to the times, but the most important work of Confucius. In terms of the understanding of "Zhi", Zuo Zhuan scholars and Zhuang Xue scholars agree that Zhi is a verb, namely Ji, that is, record, while more other scholars believe that "Zhi" is a noun, that is, ambition. As far as "sage" is concerned, the scholars of Chun Qiu think it means Confucius. One of the most admired statements of the scholars of Chun Qiu is "judging without arguing", which is regarded by the scholars of Chun Qiu as a perfect summary of Confucius's Chun Qiu. Careful investigation of all interpretations of this text of Zhuang Zi will help us reasonably broaden the field of the interpretation of Zhuang Zi.


Zhuang Zi Chun Qiu Ambition


宋.陳祥道,《論語全解原序》,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第 196 冊。
宋.胡安國,《春秋傳》,載《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第 151 冊。
宋.羅泌,《路史》,載《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第 383 冊。
元.郝經,《續後漢書》,載《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第 386 冊。
